Tell It To Me Tuesday "Damn The Man! Save The Empire!"
I came up with my "out there" idea for this week's TITMT question after getting involved with the brewing SoapNet network "scandal". Besides my vague mention of it here this past weekend, most people who read AOGB probably do not know about what's going on. Then again considering you are all friends of AOGB and readers of mine, I figured I might as well share this information with you. Hopefully you'll indulge my tangent considering unlike many who are involved in this, I have a platform in which to air my complaints.
SoapNet is a cable network that plays both old and new, prime time and daytime soap operas or soap-opera "type" shows. Back in 2003 the network acquired the rights to nearly 9,000 episodes of the defunct soap opera, Another World. It has been fun reliving my glory days of youth experiencing the time warp back to the year 1991 on a daily basis.
Only recently however, SoapNet acquired the rights to play a recently canceled The OC and the probably will be canceled any day now, One Tree Hill. No problem, right? Considering there are 24 usable programming hours in any given day. Only thing is SoapNet has an impending lineup that is so off the wall, it's insane. On their new lineup. OTH airs twice a day along with The OC and 90210. I'm also hearing that Dallas is going to air a whopping, are you ready for this, four times in one freakin' day! J.R. or no J.R., that's entirely too much Dallas if you ask me! Meanwhile classic, true blue soaps like Another World are off the lineup indefinitely.
Needless to say fans of Another World, both old and new, are outraged by this decision. Unlike fans of The OC, OTH and even Dallas to a certain extent, we do not have the luxury of seeing our show in repeats on other networks or the opportunity to purchase our favorite episodes on DVD.
Unfortunately for SoapNet it did not know it would awaken a sleeping giant by not treating AW fans with respect. As a result, there has been an overwhelming outpouring of support from fans of the show through emails, messages and phone calls. SoapNet has told some callers that their opinions do matter and that "no official decisions have been made". Only time will tell if this is true or not. This is why I'm writing about it here, to get the message out that SoapNet cannot and should not take away a program that is beloved by so many and for all wrong and unnecessary reasons at that.
Remember, you need not be a fan of the show or even the network. It's all about safety in numbers though people. And it's also about principle, plain and simple If you are interested in learning more or contributing to the cause there are a number of ways you can show your support. :
1. Sign the petition to keep Another World on the air.
2. Send an email to the powers that be over at SoapNet.
3. Send an email to people you know who may or may not watch the network and tell them to join in the cause.
4. Call SoapNet at (818) 569-3333 to show your support.
5. ? Perhaps another option we haven't thought of...yet.
So I know I took a long road to get to today's question but here we are, finally arriving at our destination.
Did you ever fight back against something you thought was wrong? What was it you fought against and why were you fighting? Do you feel your efforts were in vain? Why or why not?
If you are participating on your blog, the rules are simple:
1. Answer this question ON YOUR BLOG and THEN link back to it via the box below.
2. Leave a comment letting me know you played along.
3. If you are interested in adding the box to your site, please visit Mister Linky.
4. If you have any questions or you're confused just ASK!
SoapNet is a cable network that plays both old and new, prime time and daytime soap operas or soap-opera "type" shows. Back in 2003 the network acquired the rights to nearly 9,000 episodes of the defunct soap opera, Another World. It has been fun reliving my glory days of youth experiencing the time warp back to the year 1991 on a daily basis.
Only recently however, SoapNet acquired the rights to play a recently canceled The OC and the probably will be canceled any day now, One Tree Hill. No problem, right? Considering there are 24 usable programming hours in any given day. Only thing is SoapNet has an impending lineup that is so off the wall, it's insane. On their new lineup. OTH airs twice a day along with The OC and 90210. I'm also hearing that Dallas is going to air a whopping, are you ready for this, four times in one freakin' day! J.R. or no J.R., that's entirely too much Dallas if you ask me! Meanwhile classic, true blue soaps like Another World are off the lineup indefinitely.
Needless to say fans of Another World, both old and new, are outraged by this decision. Unlike fans of The OC, OTH and even Dallas to a certain extent, we do not have the luxury of seeing our show in repeats on other networks or the opportunity to purchase our favorite episodes on DVD.
Unfortunately for SoapNet it did not know it would awaken a sleeping giant by not treating AW fans with respect. As a result, there has been an overwhelming outpouring of support from fans of the show through emails, messages and phone calls. SoapNet has told some callers that their opinions do matter and that "no official decisions have been made". Only time will tell if this is true or not. This is why I'm writing about it here, to get the message out that SoapNet cannot and should not take away a program that is beloved by so many and for all wrong and unnecessary reasons at that.
Remember, you need not be a fan of the show or even the network. It's all about safety in numbers though people. And it's also about principle, plain and simple If you are interested in learning more or contributing to the cause there are a number of ways you can show your support. :
1. Sign the petition to keep Another World on the air.
2. Send an email to the powers that be over at SoapNet.
3. Send an email to people you know who may or may not watch the network and tell them to join in the cause.
4. Call SoapNet at (818) 569-3333 to show your support.
5. ? Perhaps another option we haven't thought of...yet.
So I know I took a long road to get to today's question but here we are, finally arriving at our destination.
Did you ever fight back against something you thought was wrong? What was it you fought against and why were you fighting? Do you feel your efforts were in vain? Why or why not?
If you are participating on your blog, the rules are simple:
1. Answer this question ON YOUR BLOG and THEN link back to it via the box below.
2. Leave a comment letting me know you played along.
3. If you are interested in adding the box to your site, please visit Mister Linky.
4. If you have any questions or you're confused just ASK!
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