Start Spreading The News
The following are friendly reminders:
1. Judy and I are hoping to have a real life blogger get together, hopefully sometime in June. It would be in the Central/Southern Jersey/Philadelphia area. If you haven't added your name to the VIP list, post a note of interest in the comments or email me directly at
2. While I'm on the subject of Judy she is still looking for brand, spankin' new blog design. She has some ideas, she's just waiting for a very cheap designer who, out of the kindness of his or her heart, is willing to help bring them to life. And yes, I swear I have other friends besides Judy, she's just my only real life friend who also happens to blog. Shut up.
3. I've linked to the latest Blog Awards. You can enter and vote by clicking this hyperlink or you could click the button on the left hand side of this blog. You don't have to vote for me, though a vote my way doesn't cost anything.:) I would explain this in more detail, but I'm afraid I don't really understand how these awards work. In fact, if you figure it out, let me know, k?
4. The March game is still going on. Get in on it while the gettin' is good.
5. And last, but certainly not least, Miss Cav is rallying for a very good cause over at her blog. Do stop by and help her out. For once I won't be ashamed if you say Janet made you do it.
1. Judy and I are hoping to have a real life blogger get together, hopefully sometime in June. It would be in the Central/Southern Jersey/Philadelphia area. If you haven't added your name to the VIP list, post a note of interest in the comments or email me directly at
2. While I'm on the subject of Judy she is still looking for brand, spankin' new blog design. She has some ideas, she's just waiting for a very cheap designer who, out of the kindness of his or her heart, is willing to help bring them to life. And yes, I swear I have other friends besides Judy, she's just my only real life friend who also happens to blog. Shut up.
3. I've linked to the latest Blog Awards. You can enter and vote by clicking this hyperlink or you could click the button on the left hand side of this blog. You don't have to vote for me, though a vote my way doesn't cost anything.:) I would explain this in more detail, but I'm afraid I don't really understand how these awards work. In fact, if you figure it out, let me know, k?
4. The March game is still going on. Get in on it while the gettin' is good.
5. And last, but certainly not least, Miss Cav is rallying for a very good cause over at her blog. Do stop by and help her out. For once I won't be ashamed if you say Janet made you do it.
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