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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Have Your Cake And Eat It, Too

Awhile ago, in an indirect response to a post on Tommy's blog, I said I had a post about cake forks forthcoming. I'm sure Tommy assumed I was bluffing but if he did assume that, he would be wrong.

There are many things in this world that I have no use for. Gangsta rap for one. Kathy Lee Gifford for another. Cake forks, however, also have their place somewhere on the list between Martha Stewart and cucumbers.

I mean I understand the underlying principles behind all man made utensils. Forks, knives and spoons for instance are a given. Even sporks have a worthy time and place.

I also understand the need for different size spoons. Tablespoons are perfect for soups and cereals, while teaspoons are just right for sugar and spices. Both are also widely recognized units of measurement that come in handy. If you don't believe me, just try eating a cake that requires 2 teaspoons of sugar vs. 2 tablespoons.

But then you have the red-haired stepchild of utensils- the cake fork. Cake forks are meant to be used when eating cake or pie, obviously. But come on now. Is the regular 'ol fork really that cumbersome that we need a smaller fork to take its place when eating that overbearing piece of apple pie?

Think about it. We cut our meat with a knife and fork and then, when the meat is cut, it's actually, in most cases, smaller than a forkful of cake or pie. So in this case, why switch over?

Do you really ever pick up a dinner fork and say, "What is this monstrosity?! Am I expected to eat lemon meringue pie with this?" And yet people invite other people over and actually set their tables with these things? Why!?

I have a theory on this. I believe the cake fork was invented by the same type of guy who invented those leashes that walk invisible dogs and then he laughed. He laughed all the way to the bank. He laughed not only because he invented it, but because somehow he fooled everyone into using it.

Of course, before I posted this, I did a little search on Google, but came up with nothing. Oh sure, I can tell you all about the history of the fork, but not the cake fork. Now the damn thing is not even worth mentioning and yet, so many of us use them all the time.

Despite this rant, I guarantee the majority of you will attend an event this weekend that uses cake forks. Who knows? You might even have a get together where you use cake forks. And as you are setting the table or eating your pie, a knowing smile will curl over your lips. Someone at the table might even ask you what you are smirking about. At this moment, I ask you to mention this post. Spark a debate. Prove to me why the cake fork is necessary.

In the meantime you can put a fork in this post, cause it's done.



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