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I'm a down to earth girl who loves to laugh at others...I mean make others laugh.
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Friday, October 14, 2005

To Merch Or Not To Merch? That Is The Question.

I've been thinking for awhile about taking this blog to the next level. Technically, I already did that when I decided to go dotcom a few months back. But the overachiever in me says it's not enough. I want more.

So now I've been toying with the idea of adding merchandise to my site. I know that a lot of people use Cafe Press to make things like bumper stickers and t-shirts and even (gasp) thongs.

And I admit it. I think it's pretty cool to think I could be driving down the road one day and see my site advertised on the bumper of some random driver's car. A long shot, but so is seeing an eclipse and there have been plenty of people who've witnessed one of those. Besides, I'm much more likely to see a bumper sticker or a t-shirt with The Art Of Getting By on it then a pair of boxers, briefs of thongs. At least I hope so.

Which leads me to my first concern: How to decide what to put on the shirts, mugs etc. Should I hold a catchy design contest? Should I come up with a slew of catchy phrases?

This segues nicely into my next concern, just who the hell would buy one of these things anyway?! Would you? How about you? 'Cause it seems sorta silly (and rather pathetic) to create all these items only to have just yours truly wear them. I mean it's still advertising, but advertising for yourself ON yourself is about as tacky as that chick who took money to have some casino name stamped across her forehead or stomach or whatever she did a few months back. All I know is that it was so tacky, I sorta blacked it out.

So once again, I throw it back to you. Do you think I should bite the bullet and get into the lemonade stand of cyberspace with merchandising? And if you have merchandised, has it worked for you? If so, tell me stories. Make them happy stories if you can. I love feeling warm and fuzzy at the end of the day.



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