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I'm a down to earth girl who loves to laugh at others...I mean make others laugh.
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"This is the most exciting day of my life...and I was pulled on stage once to dance at a Bruce Springsteen concert."
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Monday, January 02, 2006

Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot, Blogs Are There to Remind You

Happy new year! Feel any different? Yeah, me neither. I don't know about you, but for me, things just haven't been the same since Prince was wrong about the party being over in '99.

Last year at this time I was a good little blogger and made a list of all the things I learned in the previous 365 days. It was slightly different than everyone's list of things to before they die in '05. See, I was smart. I didn't really commit to anything, which by the way, is a downfall of having a blog. All things you promise come back to bite you in the ass big time.

Stuff I Said I Learned In 2004 (In Random Order):

1. I need to take more pictures.
2. I need to do more things that are worthy of taking pictures of.
3. I must learn conversational Spanish.
4. I wasted time learning conversational French.
5. I should join a gym instead of antisocially exercising in the comforts of my own home.
6. Writing on a chalkboard is harder than it looks.
7. Saturday Night Live is actually Saturday Night-Sometimes Live.
8. 51% or so of Americans can so be wrong.
9. God called Oprah. Apparently he wants his job back.
10. With a name like Bennifer, it has to be good.
11. TV shows with otherwise sad words in their titles like "desperate" and "lost" are reinventing the wheel. (See the period in time when the word "bad" suddenly became slang for "good".)
12. Howard Dean went from the great white hope to Willy Wonka in under 60 seconds.
13. The Swan: Being thin and beautiful DOES make you better than everyone else. Who knew?
14. Write more succinct posts since most blog surfers have the attention span of
15. If you've got nothing good to say, don't say anything at all. Instead, go home and blog about it.

We won't talk about what I actually accomplished in '05.

I decided I needed some cheering up. And what better way than cheer up than to compare yourself to others who have it worse off than you? So I also Googled "New Years Resolutions" and came up with the top 10 most common empty promises. The first link that came up was from I perked up right away:

1) Spend More Time with Family & Friends
2) Fit in Fitness
3) Tame the Bulge
4) Quit Smoking
5) Enjoy Life More
6) Quit Drinking
7) Get Out of Debt
8) Learn Something New
9) Help Others
10)Get Organized

Hey! I have no debt! I never smoked! I faithfully work out! I help others everyday... I teach third grade! Duh.

Wow, I do a lot more right than I ever realized!

But nobody's perfect, right?

So now for my new list...I call it Six in '06:

1. Get paid for writing something, somehow, someway. Blogging is fun y'all but money is even funner.
2. Be more positive. Oh who am I kidding? I'll never be able to do that.
3. Read more books that inspire movies than see movies that inspire books.
4. Try not to be so sensitive about what others think about me. I think that's a good one. What do you think?
5. Travel to somewhere exotic...even if it's the international section of the supermarket.
6. Ride on a unicorn. What? I had to put something truly attainable on there. It offsets the other five nicely, making them look much more feasible, no?

But enough about...what are the things you kinda sorta plan to tackle in the new year?



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