How I Spent My Summer Vacation: Part One
So I've been thinking about how there is no easy way to recap my vacation to Florida in one post. Oh sure, I could do it, but anyone who has read AOGB for more than five minutes knows that it typically takes MORE than five minutes to read. In other words, I'm long winded. I know it. You know it. We both know it. And even if you didn't before you sure as hell do now considering how long of an intro I just wrote.
Instead, let's just take it day by day.
Day One
Monday was my last day of school which I've eluded to before, but I really will break down in a seperate post, even if that post ends up being right before the new school year begins. I got out of school earlier that day but still had to hustle to make it to the Philly airport by my 8 o'clock flight. So I proceeded to take a road I take nearly every weekend to my boyfriend's house with NO PROBLEMS. Of course, today, of all days, there was a misleading detour that when you asked a cop for help, he kinda shrugged his shoulders and crossed his fingers he was helping you out. Yeah, that kind of detour.
Obviously I survived the detour and we made it to the church airport on time, but then there was another glitch. The weather apparently had delayed our flight. It could have been worse. They outright cancelled many other flights. But here we were, all hurry up...and wait. Finally we boarded and were on our way to not-so-sunny Florida.
By the time we landed in Orlando it was close to midnight and our journey still wasn't over. We had to go rent our car and then drive another 35 minutes until we were at the resort. We rented our car from a place called Payless so I guess the fact that it was completely nowhere near the actual airport was to be somewhat expected. I thought we were going to get the cheap, safe four door sedan when the guy behind the counter said that for a little extra we could have a two door Mustang. Of course my boyfriend, like a kid on Christmas morning, had to have that car. So a lime green Mustang is what we drove away in.
Lucky for us my boyfriend's family had made the journey to the resort the night before. This is good because there was a detour no one else bothered to tell us about but them. Even with the detour it was still confusing finding our way in the middle of a rainy night.
Now I told you there were detours everywhere and it was late, but there was still some traffic on the road. There was a car that was right in front of us at one point that suddenly and abruptly jerked into the next lane. We had a split second to wonder why when we saw we were headed straight for a cone someone had placed right in the middle of the road. There was no way around it, so we drove over it and then had to go back and forth a few times to get the damn thing out from underneath our car. The car we just rented and didn't get insurance for, by the way. Fortunately, everything seemed to be ok and we were back on the road, my heart in my throat.
After one or two in the morning we FINALLY arrived at the resort and didn't really want to do anything but SLEEP. At this point, I had been up nearly 24 hours and so I really needed a rest. There would be more to do tomorrow and the day after that.
Day Two
The first thing we decided to do when we woke up Tuesday morning was check out one of the many pools. The family recommended the Lazy River where you can rent a raft and just float through this huge pool, so we headed there for a bit. It was after 10 o'clock by this time, and lots of people were at the pool, but no one was in it. We thought we lucked out, getting there so early. So we get our tubes and my boyfriend jumps into the pool. Then and only then does a lifeguard tell him the pool is temporarily closed. Nice, huh? So he gets out and asks why. Unfortunately, the one honest lifeguard told us more than we bargained for. Apparently someone had pulled a "Caddyshack" in the pool. I know. Ewww. They had been cleaning it for awhile though and sooner rather than later the pool was open again for you to swim at your own risk.
We had our fun in the Lazy River and had decided to just be lazy on lounge chairs for awhile, when I felt something sting me. Now if you remember my bee post from not too long ago, you know that I absolutely, positively hate stinging bugs. I know no one likes them, but I freak out when I see them. I also hate the adage they don't bug you if you don't bug them because once again, I didn't see the bug and so I didn't freak out, till after he was biting me that was. I still don't know what type of bug it was and maybe I'm better not knowing. All I do know is that he got me on...the thumb of all places. I was about to head back to the condo to get some more ice from my stiffening thumb when they announced the pool would be closed anyhow soon because of an impending storm. As it turns out, they have a lot of those in Florida. So I guess you could call our time at the pool for the day eventful, but it was also short-lived.
Tuesday night, our first big night away from home, we had to do what all vacationers look foward to doing most...go out to eat!! A lot of choices (and coupons) were put on the table, but when all was said and done, where did we end up eating? Carrabba's Italian Grill. You might have heard of Carrabba's before because they probably have one by you. I know they have one by us in New Jersey. The point? Well, does anyone else see the irony in "getting away from it all" and then going some place that you could literally go to anytime you want or is it just me? Regardless, the food was pretty good and I've even included a picture of us at the bar for your viewing pleasure.

And with that, this concludes part one of the Florida vacationing experience. Please return all personal items to their belongings and place your seat in an upright position. We shall depart on leg two of our journey, shortly.
Instead, let's just take it day by day.
Day One
Monday was my last day of school which I've eluded to before, but I really will break down in a seperate post, even if that post ends up being right before the new school year begins. I got out of school earlier that day but still had to hustle to make it to the Philly airport by my 8 o'clock flight. So I proceeded to take a road I take nearly every weekend to my boyfriend's house with NO PROBLEMS. Of course, today, of all days, there was a misleading detour that when you asked a cop for help, he kinda shrugged his shoulders and crossed his fingers he was helping you out. Yeah, that kind of detour.
Obviously I survived the detour and we made it to the
By the time we landed in Orlando it was close to midnight and our journey still wasn't over. We had to go rent our car and then drive another 35 minutes until we were at the resort. We rented our car from a place called Payless so I guess the fact that it was completely nowhere near the actual airport was to be somewhat expected. I thought we were going to get the cheap, safe four door sedan when the guy behind the counter said that for a little extra we could have a two door Mustang. Of course my boyfriend, like a kid on Christmas morning, had to have that car. So a lime green Mustang is what we drove away in.
Lucky for us my boyfriend's family had made the journey to the resort the night before. This is good because there was a detour no one else bothered to tell us about but them. Even with the detour it was still confusing finding our way in the middle of a rainy night.
Now I told you there were detours everywhere and it was late, but there was still some traffic on the road. There was a car that was right in front of us at one point that suddenly and abruptly jerked into the next lane. We had a split second to wonder why when we saw we were headed straight for a cone someone had placed right in the middle of the road. There was no way around it, so we drove over it and then had to go back and forth a few times to get the damn thing out from underneath our car. The car we just rented and didn't get insurance for, by the way. Fortunately, everything seemed to be ok and we were back on the road, my heart in my throat.
After one or two in the morning we FINALLY arrived at the resort and didn't really want to do anything but SLEEP. At this point, I had been up nearly 24 hours and so I really needed a rest. There would be more to do tomorrow and the day after that.
Day Two
The first thing we decided to do when we woke up Tuesday morning was check out one of the many pools. The family recommended the Lazy River where you can rent a raft and just float through this huge pool, so we headed there for a bit. It was after 10 o'clock by this time, and lots of people were at the pool, but no one was in it. We thought we lucked out, getting there so early. So we get our tubes and my boyfriend jumps into the pool. Then and only then does a lifeguard tell him the pool is temporarily closed. Nice, huh? So he gets out and asks why. Unfortunately, the one honest lifeguard told us more than we bargained for. Apparently someone had pulled a "Caddyshack" in the pool. I know. Ewww. They had been cleaning it for awhile though and sooner rather than later the pool was open again for you to swim at your own risk.
We had our fun in the Lazy River and had decided to just be lazy on lounge chairs for awhile, when I felt something sting me. Now if you remember my bee post from not too long ago, you know that I absolutely, positively hate stinging bugs. I know no one likes them, but I freak out when I see them. I also hate the adage they don't bug you if you don't bug them because once again, I didn't see the bug and so I didn't freak out, till after he was biting me that was. I still don't know what type of bug it was and maybe I'm better not knowing. All I do know is that he got me on...the thumb of all places. I was about to head back to the condo to get some more ice from my stiffening thumb when they announced the pool would be closed anyhow soon because of an impending storm. As it turns out, they have a lot of those in Florida. So I guess you could call our time at the pool for the day eventful, but it was also short-lived.
Tuesday night, our first big night away from home, we had to do what all vacationers look foward to doing most...go out to eat!! A lot of choices (and coupons) were put on the table, but when all was said and done, where did we end up eating? Carrabba's Italian Grill. You might have heard of Carrabba's before because they probably have one by you. I know they have one by us in New Jersey. The point? Well, does anyone else see the irony in "getting away from it all" and then going some place that you could literally go to anytime you want or is it just me? Regardless, the food was pretty good and I've even included a picture of us at the bar for your viewing pleasure.
And with that, this concludes part one of the Florida vacationing experience. Please return all personal items to their belongings and place your seat in an upright position. We shall depart on leg two of our journey, shortly.
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