Tell It To Me Tuesday "Show Me The Funny"
Today's TITMT question comes to us by way of . When I asked AOGB readers to give me ideas for future Tell It To Me Tuesday's Dawn came up with this one. I don't think I've done it before, but then again, I've been asking these questions for so long now, it is possible it's a repeat. My rule of thumb is if I can't remember it anymore, it's time to (possibly) do it again. So here goes...
Who are your favorite comedians and comediennes of all time and why?
If you want to make a numbered list, be my guest. If you want to pick a top female and male and expand upon just those two, that works too.
If you are participating on your blog, the rules are simple:
1. Answer this question ON YOUR BLOG and THEN link back to it via the box below.
2. Leave a comment letting me know you played along.
3. If you are interested in adding the box to your site, please visit Mister Linky.
4. If you have any questions or you're confused just ASK!
Who are your favorite comedians and comediennes of all time and why?
If you want to make a numbered list, be my guest. If you want to pick a top female and male and expand upon just those two, that works too.
If you are participating on your blog, the rules are simple:
1. Answer this question ON YOUR BLOG and THEN link back to it via the box below.
2. Leave a comment letting me know you played along.
3. If you are interested in adding the box to your site, please visit Mister Linky.
4. If you have any questions or you're confused just ASK!
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