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Friday, January 07, 2005

Something Borrowed

Recently I had the privilege of going shopping in Judy's car. No, Judy didn't rob a store. Gawd! That's like, sooo Jane's Addiction, circa 1990! She was merely cleaning out a bunch of stuff she didn't want anymore. Rewind a bit to Judy and I sitting in her car, talking about good books we've read and want to read. Right about then, a lightbulb went on above Judy's head and she opened her trunk and let me go shopping.

"Ooh Stephen King!", I exclaimed.
"Wow, a book recommended by Oprah. You know those HAVE to be good!", I oozed.

Then I asked her, "Are you really sure you want to get rid of all of these books?"

Judy said: "Well, they've been sitting here forever. Maybe there's a reason for it. Maybe I subconciously don't want to part with about you just borrow them?"

"Fine by me," I said. After all, I'm no stranger to borrowing books. In fact, I haven't purchased a novel in so many years. The library is like my Cheers. Well without Norm, and everyone else. And come to think of it, everybody there doesn't really know my name, as I don't know theirs. The one librarian, in fact, still gives me funny looks. But it has the essence of being MY Cheers because at the library, I feel like I'm at my home away from home.

Most people go to the grocery store, list in hand, ready to buy items. This is a lot like what I do at the library. I often go, with my list, and browse a bit. I find that if I go without a list I have a much harder time pinpointing what to get. Even with the list it's tough. Should I get a mystery or should I go for something that goes down a bit smoother, like chick lit? One would think I was deciding to buy a house. Thank God girls like me don't have to make monumental decisions too often.

On average, I try to get five books a time out of the library. I don't know why but for me 2 weeks divided by five books seems like a good, solid number. This is of course, when I have the time on my hands. With work, I haven't been going nearly as much. In fact, Christmas break was the first time I had been there since summer. So, when we were reunited, it felt so good.

It also should be said that I'm a bit of a speed reader. In some ways this is an asset, in others, it's a pain. I have this uncanny ability to scan a page and get the "gist" of what is being said. I do the same thing with blogs. Most of the time this works out well for me. But I also realize, that on the flipside, I am basically an ADD reader who can't take the time to sniff the "he said's", "she said's" and other random, background descriptions. I honestly don't know what my hurry is. I mean I'm blogging about this crap so obviously, I can make the time.

All I know is when I read a book, a good book, I feel good about myself. I feel smarter for not losing brain cells by staring at the TV for too long. I feel more well-read because well, I was reading. I feel inspired because often a good book inspires me to want to write more myself.

In short, today's lesson is that borrowing can be a good thing. As long as you're not borrowing things like false teeth and husbands.



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