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I'm a down to earth girl who loves to laugh at others...I mean make others laugh.
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"This is the most exciting day of my life...and I was pulled on stage once to dance at a Bruce Springsteen concert."
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Friday, April 01, 2005

We Finally Got A Piece Of The Pie

In a post long ago and far, far away (well, not really, but it sounded catchy) I asked for fresh blog meat and many of you delivered. Blogs you suggested were to meet your stamp of approval. You wanted them to be included in the AOGB stable of artists and you were willing to go to the mat for them. In some cases, "them" was actually YOU as you wrote comments recommending, yourself. This took ingenuity and creativity and did not go unnoticed by the motley crew over here at AOGB. And by "crew" yes I mean me. But I am a Gemini so I feel I can freely refer to myself as multiple people when I so desire.

While all of the blogs were interesting and diverse, one new blogger caught my eye. This is Ms. Catherine Ryan over at The Fountain Pen. Catherine has an interesting, thought provoking blog with an equally fitting title. When you visit her, don't get discouraged by the design. Catherine had a kickass template, but had some technical difficulties that she addressed via a post, which I find is always a nice quality in a blogger. After all, hiccups are to be expected, but it's those "here today, gone tomorrow" bloggers that really irk me. Luckily Catherine isn't one of those bloggers.

The Fountain Pen is a good blog because the writer is flexible, and doesn't write on one single topic. It's great if you blog about one subject particularly well, but personally I find it even better if I click on your link with no idea of what I'll find on the other side. A little suspense, even in the blogosphere, never hurt anybody.

There was another reason I chose to add Catherine to the bunch. This was because she too took an interest in this site. While this is by NO MEANS a prerequisite to be blogrolled, it helps to know the blogger I'm trying to find out more about in turn, is interested in knowing more about me. To me that's the stuff great blogging relationships are built upon, not unlike great cities being built upon rock and roll like Starship, or Jefferson Starship or whatever those guys were going by in those days said.

Which brings me to the blogger who brought Catherine to me. This is the one, the only Tommy over at Striving For Average. Don't let the name fool you, Tommy is far from your average blogger. Sure he likes to revel in mediocrity, but his blog is really head and shoulders above the rest. Recently having gone through a redesign, Striving For Average is a fun, always "out there" read. And no, Tommy won't be offended by the fact that I referred to his blog as "out there". In fact, if you are, you probably don't belong with AOGB because here, different= good. Another reason Tommy is a great blogger is because he takes the time to visit your blog. Well maybe not YOURS, but he would, if you asked. He also goes that extra step, personally responding to comments left on his blog. In fact, I don't think there's been a comment I left yet that's gone unaddressed. Sure, it's somewhat creepy that Tommy is seemingly always there, but, it's also, in a way, oddly comforting. He's a regular here at the AOGB diner and his ship, I'm happy to say his ship has finally come in.

Finally, a note to the rest of you. Don't feel discouraged if I didn't pick your blog to blogroll. In fact, I enjoyed this "contest" so much, I'll probably do it again in a few months. New blogs, like developments, are cropping up all the time. I love finding new places to visit, even if they're only new to me. And it's only fair to let the New Kids On The Block get their turn in the sun every so often. If you don't believe me, just ask Joey Mcintyre.



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