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I'm a down to earth girl who loves to laugh at others...I mean make others laugh.
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"This is the most exciting day of my life...and I was pulled on stage once to dance at a Bruce Springsteen concert."
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Friday, July 08, 2005


Ok, show of hands. Who here uses Haloscan for commenting? I don't know if it's just me or not, but I swear, Haloscan hates me. Or maybe it's you. I never really thought about it that way before. Wow, I feel much better already.

But seriously, lately my "tip jar" has been all out of whack. Some days it will say I have no comments when I have 10, or it will say 5 when there's really 7. It's simple math, so you get the idea. But apparently, the folks at Haloscan do not. Perhaps the the people at Haloscan were also in charge of counting the votes in the last election. If so, it would certainly explain a lot.

As if the miscalculated comments weren't enough, I'll often notice that I don't get notification of each and every comment made to AOGB. I know this because I receive emails that say "You Have Comments", but then when I'm on my blog I'll notice it doesn't inform me of all of my comments. The email might as well be entitled, "You Have Comments, But We're Too Lazy to Send You ALL of Them". Then there are other comments that they like so much they send them to me two or even three times. It's funny. I don't recall checking off the box that said, "Notify Me Of Haloscan's Feelings Towards Comments Given".

I know Haloscan does not cost a lot, but it costs something. I also pride myself on trying to visit each and every commenter to AOGB, but Mr. or Miss Haloscan makes this very, very hard at times. Especially when I have to play hide and seek to figure out which comments are new.

Maybe you're one of those bloggers who can comment to a person's comment and automatically it sends that person an email. I dig that. I have no idea how you do that, but I dig it all the same. If it's simple, hook a cracker up would ya?

Oh and while we're on the topic of "hooking up", if you are not on my side orders and would like to be, shoot me a quick email and I'll see if I can remedy that. On the other hand, if you're on there and don't want to be, you can also tell me to kindly remove your name from the list. See? All you gotta do is ask.

Speaking of, many of you read my summer to do list and so I'd like to dedicate the rest of this post to trusty number 12. For those of you too lazy to click the hyperlink and skim, number 12 is all by desire to move AOGB over to dotcom territory.

I have toyed with the idea before but all it got me was some good ideas, but no real ways of executing them. Blogging friend Tommy made the move, along with many others. He uses (and recommends) Hosting Matters $11 a month package deal and using Movable Type or Wordpress to build it. Others of you, like Honesty Rain use your own cable provider, another thing I'm clueless on. So, to review...

Me: Frustrated about comments. Wants AOGB to be its own

Confused/Questions about:

1. How to make it so hosting wise.
2. How to keep my template and/or have minor tweaking. (remember, I am NOT a programmer)
3. How to deter spam-a-lot commenters (a mysterious downside of dotcoming it).
4. Purchasing (domain?, hosting? anything else I missed...)
5. Knowing if I've even covered all the questions I need to ask.
6. Your experiences good/bad with dotcoming it.
7. How Tom Cruise got by this long without so many realizing just how crazy he really was. UNRELATED

Now, it's up to you. I figure I might as well ask you guys considering it's how I got help with this template to begin with. Care to comment on any of this?

I might get it, might not.



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