Tell It To Me Tuesday: "As In I Wonder What Happened To The Oh-Needers"
I once had a friend who said her career goal was to be lucky enough to have a one hit wonder. I used to laugh at this, but that's before I seriously thought about it.
Think about it. One hit. That's all you really need. Play your cards right and you can live off that puppy for the rest of your life.
My question is this. Let's say you could claim any one hit wonder as your own. What one hit wonder do you love and wish you could take credit for?
Think about it. One hit. That's all you really need. Play your cards right and you can live off that puppy for the rest of your life.
My question is this. Let's say you could claim any one hit wonder as your own. What one hit wonder do you love and wish you could take credit for?
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