Sit Down You're Rocking The Vote
Unless you were living under a rock and/or do not own a television or phone, you know that yesterday was election day.
Now I have an important confession to make.
I didn't vote.
Well now that's not entirely true. I did finally vote for Joey and Edyta on Dancing With the Stars last night.
I know, I know, I'm a horrible example of a teacher who should be condemned to hell for all eternity. In my defense though I do vote in the presidential elections, the "Big Mac" of voting, if you will. It's only the small fries elections that really keep me sidelined.
Despite how it may seem, exercising the right to vote is a right I am grateful for. When I am passionate about an issue I am happy to have the option to protect it. But the truth of the matter is I don't really know much about local or state elections. I should, but I don't. Watching television commercials and reading political blogs does not help matters either as there is entirely too much mudslinging and not nearly enough objective focus on the real issues. It's really no different than watching the Jerry Springer show only there aren't any baby's mommas or needless makeovers and without them, what fun is that?
I also feel you can only educate yourself so much when walking in to any election. This is because of the candidates themselves. Gather 'round because this is important. A lot of candidates lie. I know, it's shocking to believe, but it's true. Nobody says they are going to raise taxes. Nobody supports keeping the working man down, at least not outright. No, the best you can hope for in any political race is a blooper of John Kerry or Howard Dean proportions. If nothing else, it breaks up the monotony.
But it is because I am a teacher that the political bandwagon swoops down on me like birds to bread. I suppose they have my name because I am a dues paying member of the union. That's the only explanation I can come up with considering no non teacher knows the hounding I've seen.
It's really out of hand. Some will call and leave you messages. Others will call and hang up if they don't get a real, live voice. Then there are my recordings that start playing as soon as they hear a ring. By the time your actual machine picks up, they're halfway through their song and dance. You would think they would have perfected this system but ya know, history is doomed to repeat itself and all that jazz.
Aggressive vote getting always gets to me, but not in the way the campaign runners would hope. I just don't see the point. If a candidate calls me house this does not sway my vote. It's not like we're playing a game. Red Rover, Red Rover, Robert Menendez calls Janet over! If anything I'm probably more likely to vote for you if you take the high road and do not call me during dinner, my favorite show or even a peaceful sleep. I'm a rebel that way. The more you bother me to do something, the less likely I am to do it, just on principle. The same goes for you, Jehovah's witness recruiters and college donation recruiters.
For instance, voting is going on for The Hoagies at Heather Anne until 11:59 tonight. I could vist all of your blogs and beg you to vote for me, but I won't. Besides, I'm up for cleverest commenter. That's not exactly the sort of thing you can win something over with in 24 hours or less. Either you've liked what I had to say in the past or you haven't. No amount of bribery or campaign canoodling is going to change that.
In closing, if election day results don't turn out the way you would hope, go ahead and blame someone like me, just at least have the decency to do it during a repeat. And if you're up to it, vote for something much more fun and full of far less red tape.
My name is Janet and I approve this message.
Now I have an important confession to make.
I didn't vote.
Well now that's not entirely true. I did finally vote for Joey and Edyta on Dancing With the Stars last night.
I know, I know, I'm a horrible example of a teacher who should be condemned to hell for all eternity. In my defense though I do vote in the presidential elections, the "Big Mac" of voting, if you will. It's only the small fries elections that really keep me sidelined.
Despite how it may seem, exercising the right to vote is a right I am grateful for. When I am passionate about an issue I am happy to have the option to protect it. But the truth of the matter is I don't really know much about local or state elections. I should, but I don't. Watching television commercials and reading political blogs does not help matters either as there is entirely too much mudslinging and not nearly enough objective focus on the real issues. It's really no different than watching the Jerry Springer show only there aren't any baby's mommas or needless makeovers and without them, what fun is that?
I also feel you can only educate yourself so much when walking in to any election. This is because of the candidates themselves. Gather 'round because this is important. A lot of candidates lie. I know, it's shocking to believe, but it's true. Nobody says they are going to raise taxes. Nobody supports keeping the working man down, at least not outright. No, the best you can hope for in any political race is a blooper of John Kerry or Howard Dean proportions. If nothing else, it breaks up the monotony.
But it is because I am a teacher that the political bandwagon swoops down on me like birds to bread. I suppose they have my name because I am a dues paying member of the union. That's the only explanation I can come up with considering no non teacher knows the hounding I've seen.
It's really out of hand. Some will call and leave you messages. Others will call and hang up if they don't get a real, live voice. Then there are my recordings that start playing as soon as they hear a ring. By the time your actual machine picks up, they're halfway through their song and dance. You would think they would have perfected this system but ya know, history is doomed to repeat itself and all that jazz.
Aggressive vote getting always gets to me, but not in the way the campaign runners would hope. I just don't see the point. If a candidate calls me house this does not sway my vote. It's not like we're playing a game. Red Rover, Red Rover, Robert Menendez calls Janet over! If anything I'm probably more likely to vote for you if you take the high road and do not call me during dinner, my favorite show or even a peaceful sleep. I'm a rebel that way. The more you bother me to do something, the less likely I am to do it, just on principle. The same goes for you, Jehovah's witness recruiters and college donation recruiters.
For instance, voting is going on for The Hoagies at Heather Anne until 11:59 tonight. I could vist all of your blogs and beg you to vote for me, but I won't. Besides, I'm up for cleverest commenter. That's not exactly the sort of thing you can win something over with in 24 hours or less. Either you've liked what I had to say in the past or you haven't. No amount of bribery or campaign canoodling is going to change that.
In closing, if election day results don't turn out the way you would hope, go ahead and blame someone like me, just at least have the decency to do it during a repeat. And if you're up to it, vote for something much more fun and full of far less red tape.
My name is Janet and I approve this message.
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