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I'm a down to earth girl who loves to laugh at others...I mean make others laugh.
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Sunday, October 07, 2007

Write Back Weekend "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"

This week I decided to make a call for all the crazies by asking you to tell me about the craziest Internet searches that have brought people to your site. To be honest, I don't know what is crazier, that people are out there searching for these things on my site, or that these people are out there searching for these things, period.

Over the years AOGB has been in existence, I have noticed a trend in the traffic that has brought people to me. A lot of visitors find me assuming a blog entitled "The Art of Getting By" is a religious site. While my site is hardly blasphemous, it isn't exactly religious either. Still consistently I have found that religious folk have flocked to this blog more than any other "group" that otherwise knows nothing about AOGB. To these people I say come children, let AOGB be with you.

The second most consistently popular search I've noticed over the years are image searches. Since I've linked to so many people for different posts that I have written, merely searching for them has brought these innocent bystanders I wonder what they think when search for say "Rick Springfield" and get so many results for my site, only to not find that I do not now, nor did I ever, know Rick Springfield personally. You can really insert any celeb's name there. No matter who it is, I apologize for letting you down unintentionally.

My intention this week, however, was to monitor a small sampling of hits to my blog and extract the weirdness for this week only. I know there has been a lot of interesting, out there type of hits to AOGB, but monitoring them over the long term would be easier said than done.

In fact, I also discovered something else...monitoring them, if only for a week, also became easier said than done. I started off strong on Tuesday and then the rest of the week, I slipped. I don't know how I managed to blog nearly every day just a year or so ago because I simply don't have the time or the energy anymore. Long story short, I didn't get to investigate my hits as closely as I intended to. But the ironic twist is that there isn't as much to analyze considering not as many visitors swing by AOGB as they once did.

The following is a smattering of odd hits I received over the course of this week. As an added bonus, I decided to put myself in the shoes of the searches and see if I could find the post that loosely connected them to moi. I realize that actually writing about these things this time I might run the risk of drawing these searchers out of the woodwork yet again. It's ok. I'm ready for 'em this time!

1. Old Navy Sweater Commercial
- I have worn Old Navy sweaters before, never have I written extensively about searching for clothing there. Apparently though, the mere mention of both "Old Navy" and "sweaters" on the same page for two entirely different posts brought the visitor to this link.

2. Debbie Gibson For Better Or Worse Multiply
- Ok, I'm guilty I've written about Debbie Gibson before. I'm also guilty of knowing that For Better or Worse is the title of one of Debbie Gibson's songs, not that I was writing about it, but still. The multiply bit baffled me unless you wanted to multiply Debbie Gibson, which I don't think anyone is into, right? At any rate, here
is the page that made it all happen.

3. Turkey Art For Grade Two's- As far as I can tell, in this case I was talking about school and thus, the word "grade" came up. I also talked about the "terrible two's" in another post. I have no idea how the turkey came into play. Here. Feel free to figure it out for yourself.

4. Is There Underlying Problem 4th grader Doesn't Hand In Completed Work- I can't seem to find the specific post that brought people to my blog (because I write about school a lot), but I think through searching for the connection, I may have found the solution. Apparently Attention Deficit Order is to blame.

5. The Art of Acquiring Power- Slab "The Art of..." in front of anything and people have found my blog because of it. This one was actually a rather easy search to trace. Take the title of my site, plus my recent post on superpowers and voila, there you have it!

6. What To Do About Getting Left Behind In The Computer Age - Let's suppose I wrote about the computer age before. Ok, I'll give you that. The Left Behind part baffled me initially, but then I realized I've written about the No Child Left Behind Act before and suddenly, it all came together. Unfortunately, I don't know what to tell the people who are concerned about getting left behind in the computer age other than the fact that they used the Internet to search for something like that means they might not be as behind as they thought they were.

7. Spice Adultnetwork- Here we start to pull out the big guns. This one is actually the funniest to me. In a post I wrote entitled, Some Like It Hot, I started off by saying, "There's something that anybody who knows me, knows about me. I LOVE SPICE." Ironically, I followed it with the following words, "No, I'm not talking about that raunchy "adult" network type spice, so you can all just get your minds out of the gutters, thank you very much." The irony is in the mere mention of NOT talking about it, I did indeed talk about it. And the rest is internet searching history.

8. Men Dressed As Girls- Another "mind in the gutter" type of search, I think I see the lineage here, too. I have written before about fashion and how men have it easier than women. But let's get one thing straight- I never dug men dressing up as girls. So if you happen across this blog, you cross dressing crusader, get it right this time!

9. Art To Getting Beat Up- This one could be a mirage of anything really. I did a show with the song "Beat It" and remember what I told you earlier about "The Art of..." anything? I don't know about all of you, I'm just surprised there is an art to getting beat up and not the other way around. Do you duck on the count of three or cover parts of your body to ease the blow? Inquiring minds want to know!

10. My Name Isn't Baby. It's Janet. Miss Jackson If You're Nasty Lyrics
- This is a fun one. I understand how it got people here and in that sense, I suppose it isn't that weird. After all, my name isn't baby either. I also have never put in a corner. But that's neither here nor there.



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