If I Were Queen For Just One Day
They say every cloud has a silver lining. The silver lining this week is that I have been contacted by Nick over at King Of Blogs to be part of there next tournament. The tournament starts today and the rules are simple.
The Cliff Notes version:
1. Normally, there is a reigning king/or queen in my case, to beat each week. BUT ast week's reigning King won 3 times, he is now undefeated and he is now retired. So this week is a new round with three new bloggers vying for the crown.
2. You are judged on three main bits:
A. General blogginess (site design and so forth)
B. Creativity (the legendary challenge question)
C. A submitted post they select to be judged
3. The winner from each week moves on to the next tournament, and must place the winning button on their site within 48 hours of victory or forfeit the crown.
4. There will be a poll on the top of the page starting late Sunday
night that will have each of the blogs listed. It will end Friday
night. Whoever gets the most votes will gain 3 extra points, second
most votes will get 2 and third most will get 1. Drive the masses to
vote for you and you will be a little closer to the crown.
5. Ask other blogs to trackback to the main tournament post (it will
be up late Sunday night also) and mention their support for your blog
to win. Whoever gets the most trackbacks gets 3 points, second most 2
and third most 1. No trackbacks= no extra points. You trackbacking to
the post from your blog doesn't count. If you run multiple blogs those
other blogs don't count either.
So I had to decide upon one, special entry to catch the judges eyes. I had no idea how to go about this. My posts are like my children. Of course, I'm referring to the children I don't have. But, if I did have children, I'd love them all the same.:) If I had more time, I would have had you, the readers, vote on what I should submit. In fact, while I'm on the subject of the judges, you can read all about them here:
Ogre's Politics & Views
News From The Great Beyond
Smarter Cop
Apparently, since this is a game, all is fair in love and blogging. Therefore, you can visit the judges and leave polite comments of praise for yours truly. You can even make baked goods if that's your thing, only I'm not sure how perishables will hold up when traveling.
The following are the actual hints that were provided for me by the host, Nick Queen. Nick Queen. Come on, isn't that the most fabulous game show host name, ever?
1. As in any attempt at a crown bribery and backstabbing may be used.
This tournament is meant to be fun and if you are contacted by the
host in midstream asking questions be sure to play along. You are not
trying to win a beauty pageant, but a crown. Read The Prince and batten
down the hatches.
2. Humour works. Also reading and trying to know the judges well, as
well as the hosts and commissioner, may be a good strategy. Flattery
is permitted, and encouraged. Gratuitous linking, and self-linkage has
been known to go a long way.
3. Have fun. The rules are there to keep this running smoothly, but we
aren't going to be blowing a whistle and throwing a flag every few
seconds. We want this to be a success, and your blog to do well. Even
if you lose you are getting feedback, and links. Go with the flow,
wipe the mud off your face and return with a bigger army next time.
Once again this is a game. Let me stress: A GAME! Don't take
everything seriously except for the judges critiques. They have been
known to give great advice mixed in with humour and snarkiness. Have
fun, and laugh. Whining is not permitted, and whiners will be thrown
in the tower, and the royal key will be locked away.
So, in summary:
Flattery for the judges and hosts = good
Voting for me in this poll = very good
Trackbacking to me = overflowing in goodness
I just hope trackbacking works after Muzikdude pointed out that it might not:( In fact, truth be told, I don't even completely understand trackbacking and its importance. I think it's like the backwashing of blogging but I'm not certain.
By the way, I realize I ask you guys to vote for me a lot lately. This one doesn't have any nudity though, unlike some Blog Awards contestants I inadvertently lead people to, so already, there's a plus.
The Cliff Notes version:
1. Normally, there is a reigning king/or queen in my case, to beat each week. BUT ast week's reigning King won 3 times, he is now undefeated and he is now retired. So this week is a new round with three new bloggers vying for the crown.
2. You are judged on three main bits:
A. General blogginess (site design and so forth)
B. Creativity (the legendary challenge question)
C. A submitted post they select to be judged
3. The winner from each week moves on to the next tournament, and must place the winning button on their site within 48 hours of victory or forfeit the crown.
4. There will be a poll on the top of the page starting late Sunday
night that will have each of the blogs listed. It will end Friday
night. Whoever gets the most votes will gain 3 extra points, second
most votes will get 2 and third most will get 1. Drive the masses to
vote for you and you will be a little closer to the crown.
5. Ask other blogs to trackback to the main tournament post (it will
be up late Sunday night also) and mention their support for your blog
to win. Whoever gets the most trackbacks gets 3 points, second most 2
and third most 1. No trackbacks= no extra points. You trackbacking to
the post from your blog doesn't count. If you run multiple blogs those
other blogs don't count either.
So I had to decide upon one, special entry to catch the judges eyes. I had no idea how to go about this. My posts are like my children. Of course, I'm referring to the children I don't have. But, if I did have children, I'd love them all the same.:) If I had more time, I would have had you, the readers, vote on what I should submit. In fact, while I'm on the subject of the judges, you can read all about them here:
Ogre's Politics & Views
News From The Great Beyond
Smarter Cop
Apparently, since this is a game, all is fair in love and blogging. Therefore, you can visit the judges and leave polite comments of praise for yours truly. You can even make baked goods if that's your thing, only I'm not sure how perishables will hold up when traveling.
The following are the actual hints that were provided for me by the host, Nick Queen. Nick Queen. Come on, isn't that the most fabulous game show host name, ever?
1. As in any attempt at a crown bribery and backstabbing may be used.
This tournament is meant to be fun and if you are contacted by the
host in midstream asking questions be sure to play along. You are not
trying to win a beauty pageant, but a crown. Read The Prince and batten
down the hatches.
2. Humour works. Also reading and trying to know the judges well, as
well as the hosts and commissioner, may be a good strategy. Flattery
is permitted, and encouraged. Gratuitous linking, and self-linkage has
been known to go a long way.
3. Have fun. The rules are there to keep this running smoothly, but we
aren't going to be blowing a whistle and throwing a flag every few
seconds. We want this to be a success, and your blog to do well. Even
if you lose you are getting feedback, and links. Go with the flow,
wipe the mud off your face and return with a bigger army next time.
Once again this is a game. Let me stress: A GAME! Don't take
everything seriously except for the judges critiques. They have been
known to give great advice mixed in with humour and snarkiness. Have
fun, and laugh. Whining is not permitted, and whiners will be thrown
in the tower, and the royal key will be locked away.
So, in summary:
Flattery for the judges and hosts = good
Voting for me in this poll = very good
Trackbacking to me = overflowing in goodness
I just hope trackbacking works after Muzikdude pointed out that it might not:( In fact, truth be told, I don't even completely understand trackbacking and its importance. I think it's like the backwashing of blogging but I'm not certain.
By the way, I realize I ask you guys to vote for me a lot lately. This one doesn't have any nudity though, unlike some Blog Awards contestants I inadvertently lead people to, so already, there's a plus.
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