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I'm a down to earth girl who loves to laugh at others...I mean make others laugh.
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"This is the most exciting day of my life...and I was pulled on stage once to dance at a Bruce Springsteen concert."
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Tell It To Me Tuesday: "Who's Gonna Drive You Home Tonight?"

In case you haven't heard the news, I'm in the running for King Of Blogs! Go there and vote for me in the poll on the left hand side. If you link to the hyperlink in this post in YOUR blog, I get points. If you come out supporting MY blog on YOUR blog I also get points. It's like taking candy from a baby. Not that I would condone that. Cause no, I wouldn't. Unless of course the baby is teething or the kid in question is hyperactive. In these cases, the kid shouldn't have candy anyhow.

No one commented on this yesterday. Then again, I always knew the role of "whore" never really suited me. Not to say that's a bad thing.

Moving right along, here's the latest in my, "On The Road Again" report:

The adjuster came out on Monday and lo and behold, sided in my favor. Yeah, I was shocked too. No real fuss or muss was needed. Now he assessed the damages at OVER $7,000 which made the car, totalworthy. It's a wee bit scary the mechanic's estimate was close a $1,000 lower, but whatever. No word yet on what the exact amount I will get will be. If you recall, the mechanic had said my car was estimated at $8,100, but then again, as we all have quickly learned, this guy has said a lot of things that haven't held much weight, period.

So my friends, we've won the battle, but not the war. There's still the teensy little matter of "insurance", "rates" and "fault" to contend with. But that's not important now.

Which brings me to Tuesday March 15th's question, one I couldn't have even planned for this time last week. Since I am suddenly in the market for buying a new car, what do you think I should buy?

What you should know:

1. I don't like really big cars.
2. I don't like really small cars.
3. I like my vehicles to be juuust right.

What I Wanna Know:

1. The Good- What car(s) can you recommend?
2. The Bad- What car(s) would you steer me (no pun intended) away from?

Now. Does anybody know what happens if you can't find the title to your car?



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