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I'm a down to earth girl who loves to laugh at others...I mean make others laugh.
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"This is the most exciting day of my life...and I was pulled on stage once to dance at a Bruce Springsteen concert."
30 Rock


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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Beating A Dead Horse

Ok, I'm going to get right down to it because quite frankly, even I'm sick of hearing myself talk about this.

In the past I wrote about a possible, real-life blogger get together. Just in case you are too lazy to click on the hyperlink, my intentions were to get bloggers from the NJ/NY/Conneticut area together for an informal shindig. It also goes without saying everyone else is invited too, but then again, I just went ahead and said it anyway, now didn't I?

So after getting some positive feedback here, I, along with my semi co-conspiators, Judy and Kate picked a date (June 25th) and a place (Atlantic City, NJ).

But before long, the complaints started piling up. The date wasn't good for some, the place not good for others. Then even others, who were interested initially, have seemingly fallen off the face of the Earth. Where have all the cowboys gone anyway? So when all is said and done, the definitely interested list has dwindled drastically.

On one hand, I understood the concerns of those who couldn't make the date or the place. Some also thought that AC might be too expensive which is totally understandable. The only reason we thought AC might work was because it would give out of towners the opportunity to make a mini-vacation out of it, and give all bloggers more than one activity to do. Still, this idea is easily nixable as to not alienate any bloggers that would come otherwise.

But I had a hard time with bloggers who told me this or that didn't work for them, but offered no input on what did. Remember, this blogger meet-up was thought up with the intention of getting as many people as possible, so neither the date NOR the place was etched in stone. At one point, Kate even mentioned renting a hall as they did for another Jersey blogmeet, but I didn't want to have that resposnsibility hanging over my head. But if you do then by all means, I'll come to your blogmeet with bells on.

Now I know y'all are busy. How do I know? Well shoot, I know cause I'm busy too and because I read your blogs, of course!

So this is my final offer, take it or leave it. I realize no date is going to be perfect for everyone, but honestly, only movie theaters show the movie regardless of the size of the audience.

So, if you are still interested, comment here or email me at with your specific thoughts. Please, no more, "Sounds cool!" like comments. We need to move past that stage at some point people. Only interested parties need apply.

Think summer. Nice weather. A good time to travel.

If interested, include what days/places are good/not good for you and any other input you may have. Your 2 cents are always appreciated. Hell, I'll even take a dollar.



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