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I'm a down to earth girl who loves to laugh at others...I mean make others laugh.
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Monday, April 11, 2005

I'm A Poet And You Didn't Even Know It

When I was growing up, I used to spend a lot of time daydreaming and writing poetry. In the past ten years or so though I find that I've written less and less poetry. I don't really have an explanation as to why this is.

One time I submitted a poem to one of those anthology series where you pay for the book and you get to have your poem printed for all the world, or at least all the people who bought the book, to see. At the time, I thought this was was a big deal. I didn't take into account everybody and their mother could probably submit something. This was back in 1993, long before blogging made it possible to probably reach more people, and for free.

So here, without further adieu, is a sample poem from my teenage years or "the old days". This is not the poem that was featured in the book, but maybe, if you're good, I'll post that one day too.

Trip to Nowhere

Somewhere a bus travels down a road,
On it takes both the young and the old.

It accepts new passengers with an open hand,
Leaving behind loved ones who don't understand.

The chosen few whose time has come,
They take their place behind the sun.

They sit around and tell their tales,
Some with dentures, some with ponytails.

All sharing that one common bond,
The journey to the great beyond.

If a legacy of lies was left in their name,
Their souls are content to give up the shame.

Cause not all of us comprehend what we hold so dear,
It's comforting to think there's a place so near.
Where all of who've come to terms with their time,
Know they have to leave this world behind.

And whether we die before we wake,
Is something this soul cannot take.

Cause if you live your life in fear,
You can't enjoy what you have here.

You can't sense the presence of that white light,
Yet there's gonna be a lot of people on that bus tonight.



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