Tell It To Me Tuesday "Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off To Tivo We Go..."
Hey kids? Do you know what time it is!? Why it's time to visit my new renter, Tiny Voices In My Head. She's a frequent visitor (and commenter) here and is nearly as sarcastic as I am. If you haven't visited her already, what are you waiting for? Go now!
About a month ago, Deann aka TV Goddess asked her readers an all important question. With permission, I'm using it as TITMT here.
The question was this: What's In Your Tivo? We want to know what shows you can't stand to miss, even if it takes you forever to actually find the time to watch them, like me.
To see her readers answers, click here.
My list on Deann's site doesn't count because it's been a month and as anybody who's ever been a chronic tv recorder knows a lineup of shows is ever changing. This is not to be confused with Everwood, which is not now, nor has it ever been, on my Tivo lineup.
And for all of you whiners who are going to say But I don't have a tivo!, be a little resourceful substituting vcrs where applicable, k?
I'll let you have the remote control back bright and early Sunday morning.
About a month ago, Deann aka TV Goddess asked her readers an all important question. With permission, I'm using it as TITMT here.
The question was this: What's In Your Tivo? We want to know what shows you can't stand to miss, even if it takes you forever to actually find the time to watch them, like me.
To see her readers answers, click here.
My list on Deann's site doesn't count because it's been a month and as anybody who's ever been a chronic tv recorder knows a lineup of shows is ever changing. This is not to be confused with Everwood, which is not now, nor has it ever been, on my Tivo lineup.
And for all of you whiners who are going to say But I don't have a tivo!, be a little resourceful substituting vcrs where applicable, k?
I'll let you have the remote control back bright and early Sunday morning.
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