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I'm a down to earth girl who loves to laugh at others...I mean make others laugh.
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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Write Back Weekend "Lucky Charms"

In honor of Saint Patrick's Day, last week's TITMT asked you two questions:

1. Do you consider yourself to be a lucky or unlucky person? Why?
2. If you could wish for anything, what would it be and why?

Saint Patrick's Day is the one time of year, more than any other, we talk about luck. Four leaf clovers. A rabbit's foot. Something borrowed, something blue. Ace's soon to be trademark beanie. All of these are items have one thing in common, we are trained to believe they will bring us good luck.

When you were a child, you might recall the first time you were seperated from that special item. You didn't know how you'd be able to go on without the beloved blanket or favorite doll. But time marched on and eventually, so did you. Some of us outgrow superstitious attitudes toward luck, opting instead to believe you make your own luck. Some of us carry good luck charms with us to this day, even if the charms themselves have become somewhat more "sophisticated" over the years.

As for me, I like to think I'm a mix of the best of both worlds. I believe in luck, and I am all for symbols of such luck. I mean if someone wears a shirt and thinks it brings them happiness, who are we to begrudge them that happiness by way of apparel?

To me, it's impossible to talk about luck without talking about luck's close cousins. You may know them. They go by the names of "fate" and "destiny". Some people believe luck is what got them where they are in life, while others believe it was fate or destiny and thus, meant to be. Both theories make sense but after all, they are both just that, theories. No one knows for sure if there is such a thing as luck or if fate rules us all. In a way, all three of them bum me out because they take the "me" out of the equation. God may have a master plan, but I'd like to believe I can still add another room to the blueprint, if you know what I'm saying.

As for whether or not I consider myself to be lucky or unlucky, I think the answer would vary depending on when you asked me. Growing up, I know I would have described myself as being unlucky. I thought a lot of bad things happened to me and I didn't understand why. But I also believe that everything happens for a reason. I'm still waiting for the reason, but I digress. Now however, I can at least put things into perspective and realize that sometimes I can chalk things up to having "bad luck" but that my luck could always be much, much worse.

Finally, wishes. What I would wish for. Anytime anybody asks this question I always think of the great Christmas monologue on SNL featuring Steve Martin. Of course I'm no exception. Let there be peace on Earth people, and let it begin with me.

But that's not the sort of wishes you want to read about on a blog, cause really, although practical, what fun are those?! So instead, here are a few semi-selfish, semi-silly things I would wish for because you know you want to read it:

1. I wish there could be more time in a day. I'm thinking maybe a 26 or a 28 hour day, 30 max. Think about it. You'd have a few extra hours to accomplish all you set out to do and even more time left over for an actual life. Kids in school wouldn't necessarily appreciate this one, but in the long run, an extended day would kick ass.

2. An electric jacket that gets warm in the winter. This seems like such a simple invention. All it is really is an extension of the electric blanket idea. It would be like the cool seat warmers so many new cars come with. You can shut it on or off, or for a little extra, you can have an automatic off switch once it reached a certain surface temperature. You and I both know that no matter how nice the coat, it only keeps you so warm. This is why an electric jacket is a must have.

3. The ability to time travel. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure might have been a silly movie, but then again, they were on to something.

4. Men and women could switch places for a week. Enough of this Tyra Banks talk show nonsense, if you could TRULY switch places with someone else for even a short period of time and walk a mile in their shoes, literally, I think we'd all be a lot better off.

5. I'd wish for more wishes. Sure, it's a classic right up there with "times infinity", "no backsies", and "I know you are but what am I?" but there's also a reason why it's a classic. It's THAT good. If you were given x amount of wishes and didn't wish for more? Well then, shame. on. you. Throwing away perfectly good wishes like that.



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