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I'm a down to earth girl who loves to laugh at others...I mean make others laugh.
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"This is the most exciting day of my life...and I was pulled on stage once to dance at a Bruce Springsteen concert."
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Tell It To Me Tuesday "Do Not Pass Go. Do Not Collect 200 Dollars."

My new renter this week is Useless Advice From Useless Men. Some might argue that "useless men" is a bit of a redundancy, but I'l let you be the judge of that. I would elaborate more, but I'm afraid I'm fighting off an assumable bout of food poisoning, so the sarcasm is on a low simmer today.

Now on to the main event...

Further proof that they will air anything on television these days, A&E, a network normally full of hard hitting programming such as Intervention and Biography, showed a Rock, Papers, Scissors Championship last night.

(Boy, is that a run on sentence if I ever heard one!)

Yes, you read that correctly. A Rock, Paper Scissors Tournament where the winner gets $50,000. Now if only they had one of those fortune cookie paper offs, I'd be set.

Anyway, all of this got me to thinking about the games I liked as a child and so I'm asking you that very question...

What were some of your favorite childhood games and why?

Just as with any game let me make sure you understand the rules.

1. It can be a game you made up.
2. It can be a game you play by yourself (be nice).
3. It can also be a game that everyone knows.
4. It can be a game you play with others.

Have fun and let the games begin!



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