It's The End Of The World As We Know It
Nat from Mini-Obs was kind enough to "nominate" a post from AOGB in Momma K of Petroville's "Perfect Post" contest. The nominated post is Put Me In Coach. If you have a second to spare, please go visit the generous Nat and the ingenious Momma K whose idea has brought some great posts all together in one place.
Waaay back in 1898 author H.G. Wells released a book entitled War of the Worlds. In short, this book signifies the end of the world via an alien invasion. Since the original writing of this sci fi classic, many remakes, spoofs and references have been made to the original. Most recently, the movie War of the Worlds was released in 2005. This version starred an actual alien, Tom Cruise.
And now, the theme has come full circle.
But War of the Worlds is just one example of our culture's morbid fascination with all things armageddon. Hell, there was even a movie called Armageddon. If that doesn't get right to the point, I don't know what does.
About two months ago I started seeing these creepy billboard ads. It's a black background with white writing. All the writing says is "The Signs Are All Around You" while others say, "You Have Been Warned." Then there's my personal favorite. The ones that simply have the numbers 6.6.06 and nothing else.
My curiosity peaked, I went online and did a little research. Imagine my surprise (insert sarcasm here) when the billboard turned out to be an advertisement for the "new" movie, The Omen. Note I carefully chose to put the words "new movie" into quotations. This was no mistake. This is because The Omen, along with every other movie that is released these days, is a remake of another movie also called, The Omen, originally released in 1976. By the way, if you're really looking for creepy, look no further than anything seventies.
The Omen is a story of an mischievous little boy who turns out to actually be the Antichrist. In every day life this is an honest mistake to make. For instance, I have at least three or four boys in my class that could very well be contenders for the title.
Apparently 6/6/06 was meant to be the release date for their little movie. Nevermind that nearly all big films open on a Friday or even a Wednesday (if it's a holiday week). No The Omen, had to open on this date. Call it a omen about... The Omen.
The makers of The Omen aren't the only ones cashing in on this creepy calendar mishap. Heavy metalish acts like Slayer and even David Lee Roth have releases also slated for 6/6/06.
And then there are the mothers-to-be. Now most mothers do not know their due dates in advance for obvious reasons, but there are a considerable amount of mothers who are scheduling C Sections in advance just to ensure their baby is NOT born on June 6th of 2006. This might sound a bit maniacal, but think about it. Would you want to worry your child's terrible two's may be eluding to early satanic worship? I didn't think so.
For every paranoid mother, there is a crackhead mom. These are the mothers that think it is "funny" to buy into the whole 6/6/06 thing with avengance. Not only do they want to have their babies on this date, at least one mother plans on naming her son Damien, after the character in The Omen. Another one wants to name her baby after Regan from The Exorcist. Yes, I've been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding.
But what post about conspiracy theories would be complete without a reference to websites that are full of speculation about the significance of 6/6/06? Take this one for instance. It's an in depth look that, at the very least, should put these expectant mothers minds at ease. They need not worry their son is the next Antichrist. According to this site, he's already living among us.
It may be a little premature, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that June 6th, 2006 is just going to be another day like any other. Six and a half years ago we partied like it was 1999. Then it was 2000 and guess what? We still partied. Do you think that people everywhere were running for cover on June 6th of 1906?
Who knows? Maybe Richard Pottier, Paolo Stoppa or Brooke Temple are already to blame for all the destruction. Sure, you might think you don't know them, but that's what any good Antichrist would want you to think, right? Go ahead, pin it on them. They're dead anyway.
No people. 6/6/06 is just a Tuesday in the middle of the year. An unfortunate cousin of all Friday the 13ths. Assuming otherwise is nothing short of paranoid. The real end of the world is probably going to be just as random as the day the world started or even, the day the music died.
But all conspiracy theory hope is not lost. At least movies like The Omen have all signs pointing to the end of something.
Original thought.
Waaay back in 1898 author H.G. Wells released a book entitled War of the Worlds. In short, this book signifies the end of the world via an alien invasion. Since the original writing of this sci fi classic, many remakes, spoofs and references have been made to the original. Most recently, the movie War of the Worlds was released in 2005. This version starred an actual alien, Tom Cruise.
And now, the theme has come full circle.
But War of the Worlds is just one example of our culture's morbid fascination with all things armageddon. Hell, there was even a movie called Armageddon. If that doesn't get right to the point, I don't know what does.
About two months ago I started seeing these creepy billboard ads. It's a black background with white writing. All the writing says is "The Signs Are All Around You" while others say, "You Have Been Warned." Then there's my personal favorite. The ones that simply have the numbers 6.6.06 and nothing else.
My curiosity peaked, I went online and did a little research. Imagine my surprise (insert sarcasm here) when the billboard turned out to be an advertisement for the "new" movie, The Omen. Note I carefully chose to put the words "new movie" into quotations. This was no mistake. This is because The Omen, along with every other movie that is released these days, is a remake of another movie also called, The Omen, originally released in 1976. By the way, if you're really looking for creepy, look no further than anything seventies.
The Omen is a story of an mischievous little boy who turns out to actually be the Antichrist. In every day life this is an honest mistake to make. For instance, I have at least three or four boys in my class that could very well be contenders for the title.
Apparently 6/6/06 was meant to be the release date for their little movie. Nevermind that nearly all big films open on a Friday or even a Wednesday (if it's a holiday week). No The Omen, had to open on this date. Call it a omen about... The Omen.
The makers of The Omen aren't the only ones cashing in on this creepy calendar mishap. Heavy metalish acts like Slayer and even David Lee Roth have releases also slated for 6/6/06.
And then there are the mothers-to-be. Now most mothers do not know their due dates in advance for obvious reasons, but there are a considerable amount of mothers who are scheduling C Sections in advance just to ensure their baby is NOT born on June 6th of 2006. This might sound a bit maniacal, but think about it. Would you want to worry your child's terrible two's may be eluding to early satanic worship? I didn't think so.
For every paranoid mother, there is a crackhead mom. These are the mothers that think it is "funny" to buy into the whole 6/6/06 thing with avengance. Not only do they want to have their babies on this date, at least one mother plans on naming her son Damien, after the character in The Omen. Another one wants to name her baby after Regan from The Exorcist. Yes, I've been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding.
But what post about conspiracy theories would be complete without a reference to websites that are full of speculation about the significance of 6/6/06? Take this one for instance. It's an in depth look that, at the very least, should put these expectant mothers minds at ease. They need not worry their son is the next Antichrist. According to this site, he's already living among us.
It may be a little premature, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that June 6th, 2006 is just going to be another day like any other. Six and a half years ago we partied like it was 1999. Then it was 2000 and guess what? We still partied. Do you think that people everywhere were running for cover on June 6th of 1906?
Who knows? Maybe Richard Pottier, Paolo Stoppa or Brooke Temple are already to blame for all the destruction. Sure, you might think you don't know them, but that's what any good Antichrist would want you to think, right? Go ahead, pin it on them. They're dead anyway.
No people. 6/6/06 is just a Tuesday in the middle of the year. An unfortunate cousin of all Friday the 13ths. Assuming otherwise is nothing short of paranoid. The real end of the world is probably going to be just as random as the day the world started or even, the day the music died.
But all conspiracy theory hope is not lost. At least movies like The Omen have all signs pointing to the end of something.
Original thought.
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