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"This is the most exciting day of my life...and I was pulled on stage once to dance at a Bruce Springsteen concert."
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Monday, July 17, 2006

Life Is More Than Mere Survival

I'm not going to blog a whole post about the American Idol concert I went to on Friday. Mainly this is because I doubt any of you are interested.

I am, however, including a brief video that I also put up on My Space featuring two of my favorite contestants, Chris Daughtry and Elliott Yamin singing Nickelback's Savin' Me (better than Nickelback, I might add)
. On the off chance any of you are closet AI fans, this one's a keeper.

Now we bring you back to your original post, already in progress.

When I first heard about this story I blinked my eyes, shook my head and clicked my heels while saying "there's no place like home". But when I looked back, the headline was still there.

Woman Pleads Not Guilty to Stalking Uecker

I'm not sure you read that correctly so I'll say it once more, with feeling.

A 45 year old woman pleaded not guilty to stalking 72 year old BOB UECKER!

There's just so much wrong with the above statement, I don't even know where to begin.

Yes, it's Bob Uecker who used to be a professional baseball player. The Uecker who has commentated on everything from baseball to beer for sometime now. Yup, same guy.

But Uecker is arguably most influential for the time he spent as "head" of the Owens family on the classic eighties sitcom, Mr. Belvedere. My decision to use " " around the word head, by the way, was not an oversight. We all knew Lynn wore the pants in that family with Wesley coming in a close second.

You will notice the words sex symbol never surfaced in my description of Uecker. Not even if you included the word "former". This is because Bobert has not now, nor has he ever been, a sex (shudder) symbol.

According to reports, "Uecker has been seeking a restraining order against the woman, whom he claims has been stalking him for six or seven years, sending unwanted gifts and appearing at ballparks and hotels throughout the country. He said in court filings that she had been approaching him asking for his help with her charity work."

Now let's get something straight. I in no way condone stalking. Stalking, my friends is, bad. But if you hafta stalk somebody, why in the hell would you pick Bob freakin' Uecker!? Even if eighties sitcom stars are your thing, there are about a zillion better looking, younger men more worthy of heavy breathing and lipstick stained notes left on windshields. No offense Uecker.

All this promotes is a downward spiral into the washed up sitcom syndrome. Sure, it all starts with Uecker, but he's merely a gateway eighties star. Before you know it, you'll be sending Howard Hessman scented panties or hiring a sky writer to say Run Away With Me, Conrad Bain!

No, something about this is all wrong. No wonder the chick is denying it. She might just be delusional enough to stalk him, but even she knows that's something you keep on the down low.

Of course somewhere you just know Hasselhoff is screaming, Stalk me! Stalk me!



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