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Runner-Up Best Overall Blog of 2005!

I'm a down to earth girl who loves to laugh at others...I mean make others laugh.
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"This is the most exciting day of my life...and I was pulled on stage once to dance at a Bruce Springsteen concert."
30 Rock


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Friday, August 25, 2006

You Don't Have To Go Home And You Can Stay Here

My new renter is Gina @...Evolution of Gina. I love the mini photo album she has at the top of her blog. It grabbed my attention immediately and ultimately, this is why she got the slightly larger than a postage stamp sized ad on my blog. Turns out it might be a good week for it though. Yesterday I had an INSANE amount of Comcast search hits with these words: "Stacey ferguson quote kiss". I have no idea what the importance of this is, but the visitors are coming from all over, not just one location. If you have any idea, or you are indeed a Stacey Ferguson quote kisser seeker, please let me know what you're looking for.

Last year around this time I started seriously stressing about going back to school. You know worlds are colliding when you start dreaming that Chicken George is your assistant. That's when I hatched a plan. I decided to recruit an army of well versed bloggers to help fight the good fight and write the good...write.

The plan went rather well. A number of people "applied" both via the blog and email and from there a handful of them actually came through. Some of them are even still with me today. You know who are. Stand up and show yourselves. Let them see your face.

So I'm out to prove once again if you want something done, go out and get others to do it for you. So if you would be interested in contributing a guest post to AOGB please let me know. The rules are simple. There are no rules. You can take the helm of a Tell It To Me Tuesday if you see fit or you can write a brand spankin' new post, exclusively written for this site. You can even reheat a classic post from your own home cooked batch. I may even do that myself over the next few weeks. All I know is I will still be blogging, somehow, someway. I might be busy, but I'm still insane.

And just so we're clear, I am an equal opportunity guest blogger. You need not be THIS tall to ride this ride and all bribes, while certainly welcomed, are very much unnecessary.

If you're interested just tell me what you want to do and why you want to do it via email or the comments here. If you leave a comment here though, be sure to leave your email as well. I hope to start guest posts the first week of September!



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