Sandy, You Must Start Anew
Presto! Chango! Abracadabra!
Welcome to my new template! I would have posted this sooner but to be honest, I didn't even know the changes had officially been made.
In all fairness, I can take credit for the content, but not for the actual design. That honor belongs all to this man. I wanted to give him a site credit as well, but he said there was no need. So here's a shameless plug for his "place of business" anyhow. Y'all should blogroll him, pronto.
There's still a few things I want to work on, but already I think this is much improved from my old, ho hum, please get me out of here, template.
Comments about the comments.
I need to get these things emailed to me, as they were a luxury I had grown accustomed to. Haloscan apparently makes you pay twelve dollars to make it so. I'm too lazy to keep track of them by actually logging on to my own site, so I'm gonna have to change that. I also lost all my old comments in the transfer. I guess there's always a tradeoff.
I might also play around with the font style and/or size and add a few more images. I wanted to renovate my site counter too as I have a specific plan for that, but I don't know how to change it.
If you've got an opinion or suggestion for the new site, feel free to leave a comment in the tip jar.
Other than that, most everything else has stayed the same, at least for now. You know, baby steps and all.
I hope you continue to visit the new and improved AOGB. Now serving sarcasm, sunny side up.
Welcome to my new template! I would have posted this sooner but to be honest, I didn't even know the changes had officially been made.
In all fairness, I can take credit for the content, but not for the actual design. That honor belongs all to this man. I wanted to give him a site credit as well, but he said there was no need. So here's a shameless plug for his "place of business" anyhow. Y'all should blogroll him, pronto.
There's still a few things I want to work on, but already I think this is much improved from my old, ho hum, please get me out of here, template.
Comments about the comments.
I need to get these things emailed to me, as they were a luxury I had grown accustomed to. Haloscan apparently makes you pay twelve dollars to make it so. I'm too lazy to keep track of them by actually logging on to my own site, so I'm gonna have to change that. I also lost all my old comments in the transfer. I guess there's always a tradeoff.
I might also play around with the font style and/or size and add a few more images. I wanted to renovate my site counter too as I have a specific plan for that, but I don't know how to change it.
If you've got an opinion or suggestion for the new site, feel free to leave a comment in the tip jar.
Other than that, most everything else has stayed the same, at least for now. You know, baby steps and all.
I hope you continue to visit the new and improved AOGB. Now serving sarcasm, sunny side up.
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