The Ubiquitous Political Post
In case you haven't already noticed, I try to avoid political posts. In my opinion, that's just not the sorta stuff this blog is made of. Sure, I have my own political opinions, observations and generalities. But rarely do I adhere to anything politcal--at least not enough to hold my own in a sparring match with a self-proclaimed diehard.
Still, being from NJ, it has been almost impossible to avoid the latest bombshell that has developed over the past few days. In case you are living under a rock, or some place other than Jersey, our Governor McGreevey resigned because he is a homosexual who had an affair with another man. Not only is he a homosexual, he's a homosexual with a wife and 2 kids, and a looming court battle up ahead, thus the main reasons why he has resigned in the first place.
In NJ this story is understandably, everywhere. I can prove this by using two main reasons:
-I'm writing about it here.
-My 86-year-old grandmother, the very same woman who upon referring to the presidential race said, "the guy with the short name won", brought the McGreevey situation up on the phone the other night. Only poor grandma probably half heard a story making fun of the scandal and inadvertently referred to the man as "McQueery". No setting grandma straight. Trust me on this one. We're lucky we tore her away from Jeopardy repeats, period.
Then there's my opinion.
Do I think McGreevey is wrong for being gay?
Nope. Not at all.
Do I think he was wrong for cheating on his wife in the first place?
Probably. Assuming of course, you still believe this union was ever about love and marriage and not about appearances.
Do I think it was a little weird that his wife stood there all Stepford-like as he told the entire country?
Umm...yeah. Then again, see previous comment.
A lot of people think he was brave when he admitted the truth, but others think his bravery ended the minute he stepped down.
Of course as time goes on and the story gets more convoluted, only one thing will remain true. This matter will grow less and less to be about politcal ramifications and more and more about super curious people who live on a healthy diet of too much reality TV.
Did he sleep with the guy? Will he sleep with other guys? Who cares! Personally, once the dust has settled, I'd rather know what this means to the state of NJ.
But then again, as usual, maybe it's just me.
Still, being from NJ, it has been almost impossible to avoid the latest bombshell that has developed over the past few days. In case you are living under a rock, or some place other than Jersey, our Governor McGreevey resigned because he is a homosexual who had an affair with another man. Not only is he a homosexual, he's a homosexual with a wife and 2 kids, and a looming court battle up ahead, thus the main reasons why he has resigned in the first place.
In NJ this story is understandably, everywhere. I can prove this by using two main reasons:
-I'm writing about it here.
-My 86-year-old grandmother, the very same woman who upon referring to the presidential race said, "the guy with the short name won", brought the McGreevey situation up on the phone the other night. Only poor grandma probably half heard a story making fun of the scandal and inadvertently referred to the man as "McQueery". No setting grandma straight. Trust me on this one. We're lucky we tore her away from Jeopardy repeats, period.
Then there's my opinion.
Do I think McGreevey is wrong for being gay?
Nope. Not at all.
Do I think he was wrong for cheating on his wife in the first place?
Probably. Assuming of course, you still believe this union was ever about love and marriage and not about appearances.
Do I think it was a little weird that his wife stood there all Stepford-like as he told the entire country?
Umm...yeah. Then again, see previous comment.
A lot of people think he was brave when he admitted the truth, but others think his bravery ended the minute he stepped down.
Of course as time goes on and the story gets more convoluted, only one thing will remain true. This matter will grow less and less to be about politcal ramifications and more and more about super curious people who live on a healthy diet of too much reality TV.
Did he sleep with the guy? Will he sleep with other guys? Who cares! Personally, once the dust has settled, I'd rather know what this means to the state of NJ.
But then again, as usual, maybe it's just me.
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