AEIOU and sometimes Y
I have a bone to pick with all of you people who insist on using that word verification thingy on your blog. Since that seems to be almost everybody these days I figured I might as well make it a post. Basically I've got one question for you:
I don't get it. So I type in a bunch of letters, which only goes to prove I had my full of Sesame Street as a child and that I can follow directions. Remind me again what this is deterring exactly? Cause the way I see it, if someone wanted to spam you badly enough they still could, if they overcame the "hurdle" of the alphabet that is.
And while we're on the subject, what is up with the format itself? I feel like I'm taking some sort of acid induced eye exam. I hear this is somehow connected to encryption but what I really think is the joke is on you, and you and yes, even you.
Many times you have typed in a well thought out enough comment, only to have to correctly enter the right combination of squiggly letters. Suddenly I find myself wondering "Wait, is that a d or a p? Is that an l or an i? Redrum! Redrum!"
And who are these people attacking your little ol' blog anyhow? Maybe that's the real problem here. Maybe I'm just bitter because I don't get innundated with inane comments from anonymous bloggers and ads about Viagra. Maybe I just want my piece of the pie. Then maybe I'd be all up in the word verification too. I really don't know.
In the meantime, I'll type in the damn letters like a good little blogger, but I'm still irked. I fear this is the same sort of yuppy mentality that insists on writing out the entire email address as if a monkey hacked into your computer. (i.e. Email me at janet(at)theartofgettingby(dot)com). I know, I know. This is probably something innocent something you or someone you know does too.
But if you still really wanna impress me, paint me a nice Bob "Happy Trees" Ross painting before you leave me a comment or email me. Now that, that will get my attention, not to mention seperating the casual bloggers from the diehards in no time.
I don't get it. So I type in a bunch of letters, which only goes to prove I had my full of Sesame Street as a child and that I can follow directions. Remind me again what this is deterring exactly? Cause the way I see it, if someone wanted to spam you badly enough they still could, if they overcame the "hurdle" of the alphabet that is.
And while we're on the subject, what is up with the format itself? I feel like I'm taking some sort of acid induced eye exam. I hear this is somehow connected to encryption but what I really think is the joke is on you, and you and yes, even you.
Many times you have typed in a well thought out enough comment, only to have to correctly enter the right combination of squiggly letters. Suddenly I find myself wondering "Wait, is that a d or a p? Is that an l or an i? Redrum! Redrum!"
And who are these people attacking your little ol' blog anyhow? Maybe that's the real problem here. Maybe I'm just bitter because I don't get innundated with inane comments from anonymous bloggers and ads about Viagra. Maybe I just want my piece of the pie. Then maybe I'd be all up in the word verification too. I really don't know.
In the meantime, I'll type in the damn letters like a good little blogger, but I'm still irked. I fear this is the same sort of yuppy mentality that insists on writing out the entire email address as if a monkey hacked into your computer. (i.e. Email me at janet(at)theartofgettingby(dot)com). I know, I know. This is probably something innocent something you or someone you know does too.
But if you still really wanna impress me, paint me a nice Bob "Happy Trees" Ross painting before you leave me a comment or email me. Now that, that will get my attention, not to mention seperating the casual bloggers from the diehards in no time.
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