Carnival Of New Jersey Bloggers, Edition # 25

There's bad and good news about the Carnival this week. The bad news is I signed up so far in advance to host this that I could never have predicted how crazy things would get. Luckily I was still able to get it all done, though the overachiever in me wishes it could have been a little more creative.
The good news is that well, I'm hosting the Carnival which means I will get to "meet" more of you fellow NJ bloggers and you will also get to meet me if you haven't already. I also have some non Jersey readers so maybe we can all talk amongst ourselves and make some new friends. We can prove to them that not all New Jerseyans are rude, high hair, acid wash wearing freaks, and they can show us what's so great about their state, even without a carnival.
So without further adieu, pick up a drink and start mingling!
Happy Hour
Sluggo spins a few tunes to get the party started. Early on, Steven Hart caught my eye with his semi-ode to teaching and Wallace and Gromit, not necessarily in that order. Jersey Days, drink in hand, talks about the Asbury Music Awards. It looks like Jersey Beat is putting in their two cents as well. Center of NJ Life is on wardrobe patrol. Giggle Chick was nice enough to bring food for those late night munchies that are bound to happen later. She also wants you to wish her friend Pee Wee good luck and she's taking this opportunity to start talking about the next time we all get together. You know the type.:) The Joy of Soup also brought along her recipe for Pumpkin Gorgonzola soup...yum! It looks like Ruby Falls has gone and invited M. Ward to the party after all, while Dothill Press is soliciting new customers.
Light and Fruity
Halloween fun was had over at Wild Snowflake. A hopefully harmless video post, (don't shoot the messenger, I couldn't open it!)was poured by Brenda @ Shamrocketship gathers us around to tell us the story of one Clapper and a cat that walked into a bar. The Eternal Golden Braid reminds us that blogging about, even after an evening of drinking, can become a time consuming ritual. Ipso Facto Cartoon Blog proves you can be both serious AND silly by this time of the night. Hop on over to Poor Impulse Control for some Halloween hijinks.
Chug It!
Philly to Hoboken serves up a haunted tale that might be hard to swallow, or see if you're already experiencing blurred vision. No-W-here vents about zits and zats...HA! Big Windbag, not quite yet slurring his words, let's the people know his take on Doug Forrester. Proving the if you can't beat 'em, join 'em theory, Karl's Corner weighs in on politics over Pina Coladas.
Hard Alcohol
Get the bartender for these folks. Professor Kim has a sad story of the death of a seven year old child to tell. SmadaNek is spreading the word about an important project involving laptop computers and soldiers. Armies of Libertation puts in their two cents about Centcom. NJ Conservative wants us to learn an important lesson, on the rocks. Over at the Bad Hair Blog me smells a controversy from beyond the grave (cue spooky music). The Opinion Mill calls it like it sees it on Frank Hague, but then again, the title of the blog says it all.:) Down the Shore reminds us there are important people named Rita, too. The Nightfly also waxes notalgic. Xpatriated Texan is on the verge of kicking ass and taking names in his open letter to Republican bloggers. Meanwhile, Tammany on the Hudson is taking the 100 bottles of beer that are on the wall in the Golden Ciata in Jersey City down and passing them around. And a story about earning about hard alcohol the hard way is posted over at Maureen's Jersey Writers.
Last Call
If I inadvertently left your post out, drop me a line at and let me know.
That's closing time. You know the drill. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.
Next week, be sure to travel with the carnival over to the ironically titled, No-W-here!
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