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Runner-Up Best Overall Blog of 2005!

I'm a down to earth girl who loves to laugh at others...I mean make others laugh.
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"This is the most exciting day of my life...and I was pulled on stage once to dance at a Bruce Springsteen concert."
30 Rock


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This blog has been chosen
as a 2005 BEST



Friday, January 13, 2006

Looks Like We Made It

So as some of you may already know, I managed to pull the rabbit out of my hat and make the top 10 finalists for Best Overall Blog over at the BOB's. You can just refer to AOGB from here on out as the little blog that could.

Once you make the top 10 of anything the pressure is on. In fact, I'm well aware that in this whole "best of blogging" scenario things can go one of two ways for me. I could become the next Kelly Clarkson, or I could become the next Justin Guarini. All I'm saying is, it's anyone's game. It might be a toss up for the swimsuit competition, but the essay portion I think we'd all ace. Duh.

If you don't believe me, just check out the finalists. All of them are great bloggers in their own right, or should I say own write? What I'm trying to say is that while I'm honored and flattered that I've made it this far, that doesn't make me any more worthy of being "best blogger" than the other nine nominees, or even those new friends who somehow, someway amazingly didn't make the cut.

And these awards are tough. Pitting friend against friend. Novice against mentor. Placing a thorn in the side of new budding blogging relationships and introducing me to new bloggers a la ABC's The Bachelor. Hey, it's nice to meet you, but we both know only one of us will get the final rose.

Knowing that there is a panel of judges watching my every move is also a bit daunting. Then again, I'm up for best blog of 2005, right? So technically nothing I've done from January 1st on has any merit whatsoever. At least not for best blog of 2005. So really I can...




Just kidding! Had you there for a second, didn't I?

But I'm getting ahead of myself. If you are new to the blog because of the BOB's I just want to say this. Welcome! This is The Art of Getting By. My name is Janet and I will be your cruise director for the duration of your stay.

The other group I want to give a shout out to are "real lifers" who are, for the most part, just finding this blog. I don't know about all of you, but blogging has allowed me to create this quasi alter ego. My real life is my real life and my blogging life is my blogging life...and never the two shall meet...with very few exceptions, until now.

Being nominated, as corny as it may sound, has given me some sort of sense of validation. I must be good enough. I must be smart enough. Cause gosh darn it, people like me! So to my real life friends here for the first time, it's a coming out of sorts. Now I finally have an idea of what it must be like to be Neil Patrick Harris.

And to both groups above, I know it must seem like you're entering a TV show halfway through the season. So hopefully this Cliff Notes version of AOGB's best 2005 posts will help you catch up a bit.

The final group I want to acknowledge are the people who got me here. I'm talking about those who were generous enough to nominate me and the judges who were up late trying to get it right. You really don't know what an impression it has made. Really. I'm not lying when I say this little blogger smiled all the way home.

Without people mistaking my self deprecation for begging for votes, I must say I truly don't think I'll go any further than this and if that's the case that's OK.

That doesn't mean though that I won't ask all of you who have ever liked AOGB, or even those who are here for the first time, to go and vote. Operators are standing by with a wonderful tote bag.

And as those wacky Bartles & Jaymes guys used to say, "thank you for your support".



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