Tell It To Me Tuesday "Excuse Me While I Kiss This Guy"
So last week I asked all of you for your input on future Tell It To Me Tuesdays. I have made note of all of your suggestions and plan to start adding them once the tank gets closer to empty, probably sometime in February.
In the meantime, I've taken one particular comment left by MCF to heart. He said "...TiTMTs should be subjects you answer as well. What do you want to learn of your audience that you're willing to share about yourself with them?"
Touche my dear friend. Touche.
Therefore, I'd like to announce that from here on out, I am going to attempt to give back as far as Tell It To Me Tuesdays are concerned. The way it will work is this: On Tuesday I will pose a question, just like I always do. Only difference is I will also post my answer to the question that weekend. I will call it Write Back Weekends. I almost did Write Back Wednesdays, but I was wincing just thinking I'd have to guarantee that quick of a turnaround. Suffice it to say I was glad for other fitting words that started with the letter 'w'.
Right now I don't really blog on the weekends. This is primarily for two reasons. One, I'm lazy and two, many of you don't seem to read AOGB on the weekends anyhow.
So here's your chance to prove me wrong.
The first Write Back Weekend will be posted sometime...this weekend.
In the meantime, here's your TITMT question for today:
How many times have you listened to a song or a line of dialogue from a movie and drew a blank? This week's Tell It To Me Tuesday is an ode to those lines.
It can be well known or, if you don't mind public ridicule, you can cop to a personal misheard lyric that you can look back on and laugh about.
In the meantime, I've taken one particular comment left by MCF to heart. He said "...TiTMTs should be subjects you answer as well. What do you want to learn of your audience that you're willing to share about yourself with them?"
Touche my dear friend. Touche.
Therefore, I'd like to announce that from here on out, I am going to attempt to give back as far as Tell It To Me Tuesdays are concerned. The way it will work is this: On Tuesday I will pose a question, just like I always do. Only difference is I will also post my answer to the question that weekend. I will call it Write Back Weekends. I almost did Write Back Wednesdays, but I was wincing just thinking I'd have to guarantee that quick of a turnaround. Suffice it to say I was glad for other fitting words that started with the letter 'w'.
Right now I don't really blog on the weekends. This is primarily for two reasons. One, I'm lazy and two, many of you don't seem to read AOGB on the weekends anyhow.
So here's your chance to prove me wrong.
The first Write Back Weekend will be posted sometime...this weekend.
In the meantime, here's your TITMT question for today:
How many times have you listened to a song or a line of dialogue from a movie and drew a blank? This week's Tell It To Me Tuesday is an ode to those lines.
It can be well known or, if you don't mind public ridicule, you can cop to a personal misheard lyric that you can look back on and laugh about.
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