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Sunday, March 05, 2006

Write Back Weekend: "And The Award Goes To..."

So here it is, Oscar Night. Once a year Hollywood, takes the good and from that decides who and what was great. There are usually a few surprises, mainly of the wardrobe selection variety, but for the most part, winners can be- and are- easily predicted.

I have to be honest. This year I have yet to see the majority of the movies. I know it really wasn't fair asking you a question I can't answer myself, but I did it anyway because I was curious as to what y'all would say.

I was once a girl who always went to the movies to see the latest films, but now I'm perfectly content renting and watching them from the comforts of my own home. I can do this for a fraction of the cost and that guy with huge head who always manages to sit in front of you is nowhere to be found.

So since I haven't seen the movies, I'm going to be very shallow and go on who I'd like to win just because I like them.

For best actor, I choose David Strathairn. I've never seen Good Night, and Good Luck but I know I will someday, because of him. I have loved Strathairn since I first discovered him in one of my favorite, yet cheesiest movies of all time, Big Girls Don't Cry...They Get Even. This movie, while a cinematic masterpiece of corny proportions, is not the reason why he is the best actor. This was just my "gateway drug" into all things Strathairn. For years, nobody knew who the hell he was. He probably won't win and most likely will never be nominated again, but it's still really cool he made it at all.

If I'm really being honest, I'd be happy if any of the nominees won for Best Actor, except for Terrence Howard. No offense Terrence, I recognize you, I just have never seen anything you were in, ever. On the other hand I love Heath Ledger, like Strathairn, since his 10 Things I Hate About You Days. I also think Philip Seymour Hoffman is an excellent actor, in a creepy, borderline pedophile you scare the shit out of me kinda way. I mean I'm sure he's not any of those things in real life. That's what makes him such a good actor.

And speaking of creepy, all that leaves is Joaquin "Leaf" Phoenix. I think that Joaquin's performance as Johnny Cash is probably going to take it and although I have yet to see this movie (yet I really, really want to) it will probably be well deserved.

Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if River Phoenix had not died at such a young age. When River died, Joaquin was not much more to the world than the former child actor who called 911 for his brother. We'll never know if Joaquin would have found such success regardless or if his brother's untimely death fueled such success. I do know though that had River lived, I believe he would have been nominated more than once. He was like the thinking man's Leonardo DiCaprio.

I don't know about you, but I'm glad Joaquin did become a good actor. He makes some great movies, but that's not important now. Something about Joaquin always seems like he's holding on to shreds of his sanity, like he's always two seconds away from robbing that bank down the street. Maybe he is, who knows? All I'm saying is thank God he has the acting as an outlet.

On to Best Actress. Here I want, and I believe, Reese Witherspoon will take it all. I've always, always, always loved everything Reese Witherspoon. From The Man In The Moon to Overnight Delivery to everything in between, Reese can do no wrong in my eyes, including marrying Ryan Phillippe. When two perfect looking people get together like that, you just pray they make it, and that they make gorgeous children which, they already have. All the other nominees are good in their own ways, but Reese will always have a piece of my heart.

I can't tell you who I think the Best Actor In A Supporting Role will be. All I can tell you is it will not be Matt Dillon in Crash. I'm not saying this because I don't like Dillon, cause I do, (although I didn't care for the movie, one I've actually seen, all that much) it's just that he is up against some pretty tough contenders. It's like taking a multiple-choice test and choosing the answer that fits best. You gotta start eliminating sometime.

Ditto for Best Supporting Actress. I don't know who it will go to, but I like Michelle Williams if only because she knows how to support like nobody's business. Her Jen Lindley on Dawson's Creek always lived in the shadow of Joey Potter. Consider it years of training, all leading up to this moment. Besides, how cute would it be if her and her beau Heath walked away with matching awards for the same sex movie that caused them to fall in love in the first place!? New, out of wedlock baby sold separately.

As for the rest, Brokeback Mountain will most likely win for best picture and it would be nice if George Clooney won as best director, just because I love the idea that George Clooney will kick ass at something new. I'm not going to touch the other categories cause let's face it, you and I know the Oscars are a like a Twinkie. Sure the spongy cake is good, but the delicious white creamed filling is what it's really all about.

People I would nominate this year include Vince Vaughn in the The Wedding Crashers. This is for the newly created category of the best at being the most obnoxious actor in a comedy, drama or musical. I also would give props to my man John Cusack in Must Love Dogs as best resuscitated career choice in the genre of romantic comedies.

If I could win an award for something I think we all know it would be pop culture princess. I know far too much about that which no one ever needs to practically know about. In my speech, I would thank all of you for trying to keep up with my random references and humoring me into thinking you always know (and care) what I am talking about.

I also would thank the Screen Actors Guild, Hollywood Foreign Press and the accountants that painstakingly counted the votes that got me there, just because it seems like the right thing to do.



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