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Thursday, August 19, 2004

Amnesiac Vagabond Patrons Appear To Want Food: News At Eleven

Went out to dinner with the rents last night.

As is common practice while waiting for a table, the hostess was announcing names over the loudspeaker. They usually say your name twice, perhaps three times, before they kindly thank you for playing and move on to the next group of hungry patrons.

Hostess: Shaw, party of 3 your table is now available. (one time)

Hostess: Second call for Shaw, party of 3 your table is now available. (2nd time)

(Insert a 5 minute intermission from paging Shaw here)

Hostess: (now outside, just walking around): "Is there a Shaw, party of 3 here?"

No one responds. Immediately I'm suprised that the hostess went that extra, non-amplified voice step of actually coming OUTSIDE the establishment to page them a third time. That's quite some persistance in the hopes of serving up these folks some riblets.

But what happens next is even more perplexing.

To the left of our party was a mother and her two children. The mother leans over to her daughter and says,

Mother: Daddy wouldn't have put our reservation under Shaw, right?

Here's the thing. It wasn't like the woman paged John, Jim or even Smith. She said SHAW. And you're "not sure" if this could be you? Excuse me if I'm off base here, but you would think, *think* that if Shaw in any way was even a POSSIBILITY that could be the name he put down that you might want to go for it. You also think that, oh I don't know, YOU WOULD KNOW IF THAT NAME FIT. I mean unless of course your husband enjoys putting down names that have no bearing on the family whatsoever. To each his own I suppose.

And if that's the case then he also apparently likes playing games like "who isn't eating tonight" considering the reservation was for three people, not four.



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