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Monday, October 11, 2004

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

One of my favorite shows for the past few years has been the Gilmore Girls. From the sarcastic mother/daughter banter of Rory and Lorelai, to the will they/won't they suspense of the Luke/Lorelai pairing, GG has delivered a fun recipe, equal part laughter and tears.

Then last season ended with a shocking twist- innocent, rule abiding Rory went ahead and had sex... with Dean. Sure Dean might be "the one that got away", but Dean is also now "married Dean" which makes Rory of all things, a (gasp) homewrecker.

Still, this shocking turn of events was realistic and depicted trutfully with heart, it's outcome still up in the air. At the very least we know there won't be anymore back and forth of the lopsided triangle that was Dean/Rory/Jess. I mean really, was anyone out there buying for a second that Rory would pick the short, dorky yet continually surprisingly cast as the rebel (see American Dreams) Milo Ventimiglia over the endearing, boyish charm of Jared Padalecki. AS IF! I mean the only thing these two boys even remotely have in common is the battle over who has the more difficult name to spell, but I digress.

But in an even more surprising, if not somewhat inevitable move, GG finally put meant to be lovers Luke and Lorelai together. Having a pairing like this come to fruition before it's time is due is quite a delicate decision. If you don't believe me, just ask Felicity and Ben or Dawson and Joey. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they finally went THERE, but I still feel it's all sort've...anticlimactic, a dare I say,Jumping the Shark move of sorts.

Still, I gotta give credit where credit is due and GG is not anything if not creative. Take a few weeks ago for instance, when Luke called Lorelai on the phone to leave his new cell phone number. Only he didn't utter the predictably insulting to our intelligence, 555 exchange, he instead gave a real, live number that when you call, apparently actor Scott Patterson is on the other end, asking for your donation to some charity. Ok, so I didn't call, but I got it a reputable source, so it's all good.

But hands down, GG takes the cake for it's quirky one-liners that only a self-proclaimed, pop culture junkie like yours truly could take such pleasure in. I couldn't ask for some better dialogue...unless of course I wrote it myself. And with that, I leave you with the most classic and recent fave GG quote. My utmost respect to the few who can name that movie:

Lorelai: (talking about their date) "What are we gonna do?"
Luke: "I've got some thoughts."
Lorelai: "Alright, but no taking me to an art museum after hours and then to an empty Hollywood Bowl whre you've given me a pair of diamond earrings that you bought with your college money when all the time, you're really in love with your best friend the drummer whose posing as our driver for the evening."
Luke: "Ok, I'll think of something else."



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