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I'm a down to earth girl who loves to laugh at others...I mean make others laugh.
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Monday, July 26, 2004

When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get E-mailing

This weekend, a light came on. Unwilling to go into the night quietly, I have decided to take the bull by the horns (where DO these expressions come from anyway?) and go beyond the not-so-super, superintendent of schools and started to contact individual principals.

You might be saying, "But Janet, sending each principal at each school an application would be quite time consuming!" You would be right! Still, I have opted to email my resume and cover letter to nearly...EVERY SINGLE PRINCIPAL IN EACH DISTRICT I HAVE APPLIED TO.

Some might mistake this for insanity, but you would be surprised what the power of being pissed off can do to a girl. This is VERY time consuming. But effective? The jury is still out on that one. I'm kinda viewing it as a professional experiment. I figure if you throw enough seeds around you are bound to get some pigeons pecking.

Two carpal tunneled wrists later I am still at least ankle deep in resumes that need to be sent. I have, however, gotten some replies. Mostly "thank you but there are no openings" or "thank you, I will forward this to HR" type stuff.

But then there are the TAKERS...I got one offer to interview to be a paraprofessional. I can't wanna do this. I am not a snob, but here is why:

1. I was already a paraprofessional for a year so I in no way think this is beneath me. Most of these people work VERY hard for VERY little pay I might add.

2. To be a paraprofessional in NJ all you need is 60 college credits. If I was going to stay a para, I wouldn't have gone for my undergrad OR graduate degree.

Suffice it to say, I politely declined.

Then this afternoon I was told I had an "impressive letter and resume" by one principal who apparently has no vacancies currently, but still wants to interview me this week or the next.

So I ask you? Who is the crazy one now?:)

I will continue to document my struggle to get the ever elusive teaching job. Who knows? Maybe I even will be able to look back and laugh at all of this one day. That or never stop laughing from completely going over the's really 50/50 at this point.



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