Cav Made Me To Do It
I got tagged by Cav. I don't normally do meme's. They're not really me. But since she asked so nicely AND it is a meme about music, I obliged:
Oh, and I spiced it up a little bit, to inject a little personal style. Hope you don't mind...
Random 10
Something Old
"Worst That Could Happen"- Johnny Maestro and The Brooklyn Bridge
"They Don't Know"- Tracey Ullman
"Don't Shed A Tear"- Paul Carrack
Something New
"Breathe"- Anna Nalick
"Does He Love You?"- Rilo Kiley
Something Borrowed
"I'll Back You Up"- Dave Matthews Band
"Someone Else's Star"- Bryan White
Something Blue
"Out of The Blue"- Debbie Gibson
"Your Baby Never Looked Good In Blue"- Expose
"Blue Sky"- Patty Griffin
1. What is the total amount of music files on your computer?
At last count, 242. Burn baby, burn.
2. The last CD you bought is...
Funny you should ask. As of a week ago, I'd have to dig deep to get the answer to that one since I'm Bear Share's bitch. But then I finally used a gift certificate given to me by a friend. Long story short, I caved and purchased Greenday's American Idiot.
3. What is the last song you listened to before this message?
It depends. Does the radio station in my mind count? I woke up this morning with The Turtles "Elinore" in my head.
4. Write down 5 songs you often listen to that mean a lot to you. (now hyperlinked for your viewing pleasure!)
"Both Belong"- The Grays
"No Such Thing"- John Mayer
"Best Imitation of Myself"- Ben Folds Five
"Lemon Parade"-Tonic
"Dogs In The Yard"- Paul McCrane
5. Who are you gonna pass this to (3 persons) and why?
First of all, I gotta say the whole "three persons" thing sorta bugs me. Who talks like that and where can I get a gun to shoot them?
Since I hate pressuring people to respond to these sort of things so I'm gonna open it up to the first three people who comment to this post. This way you're picking yourself to respond and thus, keeping the meme alive.
Of course, this is also because I'm lazy.
P.S.- Calm down. The '90s are still alive and well below, despite the memes of music.
Oh, and I spiced it up a little bit, to inject a little personal style. Hope you don't mind...
Random 10
Something Old
"Worst That Could Happen"- Johnny Maestro and The Brooklyn Bridge
"They Don't Know"- Tracey Ullman
"Don't Shed A Tear"- Paul Carrack
Something New
"Breathe"- Anna Nalick
"Does He Love You?"- Rilo Kiley
Something Borrowed
"I'll Back You Up"- Dave Matthews Band
"Someone Else's Star"- Bryan White
Something Blue
"Out of The Blue"- Debbie Gibson
"Your Baby Never Looked Good In Blue"- Expose
"Blue Sky"- Patty Griffin
1. What is the total amount of music files on your computer?
At last count, 242. Burn baby, burn.
2. The last CD you bought is...
Funny you should ask. As of a week ago, I'd have to dig deep to get the answer to that one since I'm Bear Share's bitch. But then I finally used a gift certificate given to me by a friend. Long story short, I caved and purchased Greenday's American Idiot.
3. What is the last song you listened to before this message?
It depends. Does the radio station in my mind count? I woke up this morning with The Turtles "Elinore" in my head.
4. Write down 5 songs you often listen to that mean a lot to you. (now hyperlinked for your viewing pleasure!)
"Both Belong"- The Grays
"No Such Thing"- John Mayer
"Best Imitation of Myself"- Ben Folds Five
"Lemon Parade"-Tonic
"Dogs In The Yard"- Paul McCrane
5. Who are you gonna pass this to (3 persons) and why?
First of all, I gotta say the whole "three persons" thing sorta bugs me. Who talks like that and where can I get a gun to shoot them?
Since I hate pressuring people to respond to these sort of things so I'm gonna open it up to the first three people who comment to this post. This way you're picking yourself to respond and thus, keeping the meme alive.
Of course, this is also because I'm lazy.
P.S.- Calm down. The '90s are still alive and well below, despite the memes of music.
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